BrainCenterFEC FT BG
From aHuman Wiki
Basal Ganglia
@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterFEC_FT_BG
This page covers biological details of component group Basal Ganglia. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.
- Top-down path to center: Forebrain Telencephalon -> Basal Ganglia (FEC.FT.BG) (see Mind Maps)
- Function:
Component items:
- Striatum (FEC.FT.ST)
- Ventral Striatum (FEC.FT.VST)
- Accumbens Nucleus (FEC.FT.ACC): Activate motor functions under attention, expectation of pleasure; rhythmic timing
- Nucleus Accumbens Core (FEC.FT.ACC.CORE): cognitive processing of motor function related to reward and reinforcement; encodes new motor programs which facilitate acquisition of given reward in future
- Nucleus Accumbens Shell (FEC.FT.ACC.SH): cognitive processing of motivational salience (wanting) as well as reward and reinforcement effects
- Ventral Putamen (FEC.FT.PU.VT): Evaluation of flavors, taste, motivation loop
- Accumbens Nucleus (FEC.FT.ACC): Activate motor functions under attention, expectation of pleasure; rhythmic timing
- Dorsal Striatum (FEC.FT.DST)
- Caudate Nucleus (FEC.FT.CN): Excitation of correct action schemas and selection of appropriate sub-goals based on evaluation of action-outcomes
- Caudate Nucleus Head (FEC.FT.CN.HD): Feedback processing, result of incorrect categorization
- Caudate Nucleus Body (FEC.FT.CN.BD): Oculomotor learning
- Caudate Nucleus Tail (FEC.FT.CN.TL): Successful classification learning, correct categorization
- Dorsal Putamen (FEC.FT.DPU): Stimulus-response, or habit, learning
- Dorsal Putamen Caudal (FEC.FT.PU.DCD)
- Dorsal Putamen Lateral (FEC.FT.PU.LT): Flexor motor initiation
- Dorsal Putamen Medial (FEC.FT.PU.MED): Extensor motor initiation
- Dorsal Putamen Caudal (FEC.FT.PU.DCD)
- Caudate Nucleus (FEC.FT.CN): Excitation of correct action schemas and selection of appropriate sub-goals based on evaluation of action-outcomes
- Ventral Striatum (FEC.FT.VST)
- Globus Pallidus (FEC.FT.GP)
- Dorsal Pallidum (FEC.FT.DP)
- Globus Pallidus External (FEC.FT.GPE): Regulate and focus activity patterns in striatum, STN, GPi, and SNpr
- Globus Pallidus External Lateral (FEC.FT.GPE.LT): Flexor loop
- Globus Pallidus External Medial (FEC.FT.GPE.MED): Extensor loop
- Globus Pallidus External Dorsal (FEC.FT.GPE.DS): Executive loop
- Globus Pallidus External Rostromedial (FEC.FT.GPE.RM): Motivational loop
- Globus Pallidus External Dorsolateral (FEC.FT.GPE.DL): Oculomotor loop
- Globus Pallidus Internal (FEC.FT.GPI): Output nuclei of basal ganglia to neocortex
- Globus Pallidus Internal Lateral (FEC.FT.GPI.LT): Motor flexor loop
- Globus Pallidus Internal Medial (FEC.FT.GPI.MED): Motor extensor loop
- Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsal (FEC.FT.GPI.DS): Executive loop
- Globus Pallidus Internal Rostromedial (FEC.FT.GPI.RM): Motivational loop
- Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsolateral (FEC.FT.GPI.DL): Oculomotor loop
- Globus Pallidus External (FEC.FT.GPE): Regulate and focus activity patterns in striatum, STN, GPi, and SNpr
- Ventral Pallidum (FEC.FT.VP): Distinguish wanting versus liking enhancements
- Ventral Pallidum Dorsolateral (FEC.FT.VP.DL): motivational loop, NAcc-core
- Ventral Pallidum Ventromedial (FEC.FT.VP.VM): motivational loop, NAcc-shell
- Dorsal Pallidum (FEC.FT.DP)
- Substantia Nigra (FEC.FT.SN)
- Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta (FEC.FT.SNC): Fine motor control, temporal processing
- Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral (FEC.FT.SNC.LT): executive loop
- Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Medial (FEC.FT.SNC.MED): motivational loop
- Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata (FEC.FT.SNR): Convey final processed signals of basal ganglia to thalamus and superior colliculus
- Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Dorsolateral (FEC.FT.SNR.DL): Extensor motor loop, head
- Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Rostromedial (FEC.FT.SNR.RM): Executive loop
- Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Ventrolateral (FEC.FT.SNR.VL): Oculomotor loop
- Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Medial (FEC.FT.SNR.MED): Motivational loop
- Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta (FEC.FT.SNC): Fine motor control, temporal processing
Internal Regions Connections:
External Connections:
External Inbound Center Connections:
External Outbound Center Connections: