BrainRegionFAM FD LHB LT

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Lateral Habenula Lateral Part

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaFAM -> BrainRegionFAM_FD_LHB_LT

This page covers biological details of component Lateral Habenula Lateral Part. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to region: Forebrain Diencephalon -> Habenula (FAM.FD.HB) -> Lateral Habenula (FAM.FD.LHB) -> Lateral Habenula Lateral Part (FAM.FD.LHB.LT) (see Mind Maps)
  • Type: nucleus
  • Quality: L0
  • Brain area: Forebrain - Affective Motivations Area (FAM)
  • Area circuit: Acquisition of Avoidance Responses (FAMXAA)
  • Role: processor.affective.avoidance
  • Function: Encoding negative feedback, direct, Pallidal




  • no child items defined



Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Source Region Source Name Type Role Reference
FAM FAM.FT.EPF Endopiriform Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Regulation of the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by habenular projection (EPN -> LHbL)
FEC FEC.FT.ACC.CORE Nucleus Accumbens Core inhibitory-gaba uncertain Connectivity map of the habenula (NAc -> L, abstract)
FEC.FT.GPI.DS Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsal inhibitory-gaba uncertain Habenula Connections (GPi -> LHb, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.LTN Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Regulation of the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by habenular projection (LHT -> LHbL)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Habenula Connections (LPO -> LHb, abstract)
LMC LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus modulatory-ne uncertain Contribution of nAChR subunits to nicotine withdrawal symptoms (LC -> LHB, abstract)

Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Target Region Target Name Type Role Reference
FEC FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LHbL -> RMTg)

Thirdparty Circuits


DBB=Diagonal Band of Broca,FAM.FT.SEP.DBB
DRN=Dorsal Raphe Nucleus,LMC.MM.RP.DRN
GPb=Dorsal Pallidum,FEC.FT.DP (see Basal Ganglia)
IPN=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
LHA=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
LHbL=Lateral Habenula Lateral Part,FAM.FD.LHB.LT
LHbM=Lateral Habenula Medial Part,FAM.FD.LHB.MED
LPO=Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VLPO
LS=Lateral Septal Nucleus,FAM.FT.SEP.LT
MHb=Medial Habenula,FAM.FD.MHB
MRN=Raphe Nuclei of Medulla,LMC.HL.RP (see Medullary Reticular Formation)
MS=Medial Septal Nucleus,FAM.FT.SEP.MED
PS=Posterior Septal Group,FAM.FT.SEP.PG (see Septal Nuclei)
RMTg=Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.RMTG
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
VP=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

DBB=Diagonal Band of Broca,FAM.FT.SEP.DBB
DTG=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.DTG
EPN=Endopiriform Nucleus,FAM.FT.EPF
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
LHT=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
LHbL=Lateral Habenula Lateral Part,FAM.FD.LHB.LT
LHbM=Lateral Habenula Medial Part,FAM.FD.LHB.MED
NI=Incertus Nucleus,FAM.HT.TG.NI
RMTg=Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.RMTG
Raphe=Raphe Nuclei of Medulla,LMC.HL.RP (see Medullary Reticular Formation)
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA
VTG=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTG

