BrainCenterLLC HT CRC

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Cerebellar Complex

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterLLC_HT_CRC

This page covers biological details of component group Cerebellar Complex. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to center: Hindbrain Metencephalon -> Cerebellar Complex (LLC.HT.CRC) (see Mind Maps)
  • Function:




Component items:

  • Cerebellum (LLC.HT.CR): Motor coordination
  • Deep Cerebellar Nuclei (LLC.HT.CR.DCN)
    • Dentate Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.DN): planning, initiation and control of voluntary movements
    • Interposed Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.IP): coordinating agonist/antagonist muscle pairs
    • Fastigual Nucleus (LRC.HT.CR.FG): rostral - interprets body motion and places it on spatial planes to estimate movement of body through space; caudal - saccadic eye movements
  • Basilar Pontine Nuclei (LLC.HT.BPN): convey information from motor cortex to cerebellum regarding intended movements of contralateral arm and leg



Internal Regions Connections:


Source Region Target Region Reference
Basilar Pontine Nuclei (LLC.HT.BPN) Cerebellar Lateral Lobe (LLC.HT.CR.CC) Cerebellum functional divisions (PNN -> CRP)
Cerebellar Lateral Lobe (LLC.HT.CR.CC) Dentate Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.DN) Cerebellum functional divisions (CRP -> DN)
Dentate Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.DN) Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN) (unknown reference)
Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN) Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN) (unknown reference)
Cerebellar Paravermis (LLC.HT.CR.PV) Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN) Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> IP, abstract)
Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN) Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> IP, abstract)
Fastigual Nucleus (LRC.HT.CR.FG) Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> FG)
Cerebellar Vermis (LRC.HT.CR.VM) Fastigual Nucleus (LRC.HT.CR.FG) Cerebellum functional divisions (CRV -> FG)

External Connections:


External Inbound Center Connections:

Source Center Sample Link Reference
Posterior/Dorsal Horn (BMA.SC.PH) LPC.SC.PH.CL -> LLC.HT.CR.PV Afferent pain pathways (SC -> Cerebellum, abstract)
Basal Ganglia (FEC.FT.BG) FEC.FT.SNC.LT -> LLC.HT.CR.CC Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (SN -> CR, abstract)
Medullary Reticular Formation (HL.RF) LLC.HL.RF.MLRN -> LLC.HT.CR.PV (unknown reference)
Myelencephalic Sensory Nuclei (HL.SN) LLC.HL.IO -> LLC.HT.CR.CC Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRP)
Pontine Reticular Formation (HT.RF) LRC.HT.PRF.RPO -> LLC.HT.CR.CC Saccades and smooth movements (DLPN -> CR, abstract)
Metencephalic Sensory Nuclei (HT.SN) LLC.HT.PN.RSP -> LLC.HT.CR.DN Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PN -> CR, abstract)
Vestibular Nuclei (LPC.HT.VBN) LPC.HT.IVBN -> LRC.HT.CR.FN (unknown reference)
Vestibular Ganglion (LPC.PN.SG.VB) LPC.PN.SG.SVB -> LRC.HT.CR.FN (unknown reference)
Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC) NMA.NC.MC -> LLC.HT.BPN Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> PNN, abstract)
Intermediate Zone (SC.IZ) LPC.SC.IZ.CCV -> LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellum functional divisions (CCV -> CRS)

External Outbound Center Connections:

Target Center Sample Link Reference
Cognitive Thalamus (FD.TH.CR) LLC.HT.CR.DN -> NCP.FD.TH.RIL (unknown reference)
Motor Thalamus (FD.TH.MR) LLC.HT.CR.DN -> NMA.FD.TH.VL Thalamocortical relationships (s1VL -> VL)
Pontine Reticular Formation (HT.RF) LRC.HT.CR.FG -> LRC.HT.PRF.CRF Cerebellum functional divisions (FG -> RF, abstract)
Red Nucleus (LLC.MM.RD) LLC.HT.CR.DN -> LLC.MM.RD Motor neurons control (LT -> RD)
Vestibular Nuclei (LPC.HT.VBN) LRC.HT.CR.FG -> LPC.HT.LVBN Cerebellum functional divisions (FG -> VB, abstract)
Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF) LLC.HT.BPN -> LRC.MM.SC.INT (unknown reference)
Lateral Prefrontal Cortex (NC.AL.LPFC) LLC.HT.CR.DN -> NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL (unknown reference)