BrainCenterBMA SC PH
From aHuman Wiki
Posterior/Dorsal Horn
@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterBMA_SC_PH
This page covers biological details of component group Posterior/Dorsal Horn. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.
- Top-down path to center: Spinal Cord -> Posterior/Dorsal Horn (BMA.SC.PH) (see Mind Maps)
- Function:
Component items:
- Lamina I (LPC.SC.PH.L1)
- Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.MG): Relay information related to pain and temperature sensation
- Upper Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.UMG): Relay information related to pain and temperature sensation - C1-C8,T1-T6
- Lower Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.LMG): Relay information related to pain and temperature sensation - T7-T12,L1-L5,S1-S5,CX
- Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.MG): Relay information related to pain and temperature sensation
- Lamina II (LPC.SC.PH.L2)
- Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.SG): Relay for C-fibers of slowly conducting, poorly localized pain sensation
- Upper Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.USG): Relay for C-fibers of slowly conducting, poorly localized pain sensation - C1-C8,T1-T6
- Lower Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.LSG): Relay for C-fibers of slowly conducting, poorly localized pain sensation - T7-T12,L1-L5,S1-S5,CX
- Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.SG): Relay for C-fibers of slowly conducting, poorly localized pain sensation
- Lamina III, IV (BMA.SC.PH.L34)
- Proprius Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.NP): Relay light touch, pain and temperature information
- Lamina V, VI (BMA.SC.PH.L56)
- Clarke Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.CL): Unconscious Proprioception
Internal Regions Connections:
Source Region | Target Region | Reference |
Lower Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.LSG) | Proprius Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.NP) | (unknown reference) |
Upper Substantia Gelatinosa (LPC.SC.PH.USG) | Proprius Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.NP) | (unknown reference) |
External Connections:
External Inbound Center Connections:
Source Center | Sample Link | Reference |
Medullary Reticular Formation (HL.RF) | LMC.HL.RP.PL -> LPC.SC.PH.LMG | (unknown reference) |
Dorsal Root Ganglia (LPC.PN.SG.DRG) | LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> LPC.SC.PH.CL | (unknown reference) |
External Outbound Center Connections:
Target Center | Sample Link | Reference |
Lateral Horn/Funiculus (BMA.SC.LH) | LPC.SC.PH.NP -> LPC.SC.LH.LCV | (unknown reference) |
Sensory Thalamus (FD.TH.SR) | LPC.SC.PH.LMG -> NCP.FD.TH.LI | Afferent pain pathways (SC -> Thalamus, abstract) |
Myelencephalic Sensory Nuclei (HL.SN) | LPC.SC.PH.CL -> LLC.HL.ARC | (unknown reference) |
Metencephalic Sensory Nuclei (HT.SN) | LPC.SC.PH.CL -> LLC.HT.PN.PBB | (unknown reference) |
Cerebellar Complex (LLC.HT.CRC) | LPC.SC.PH.CL -> LLC.HT.CR.PV | Afferent pain pathways (SC -> Cerebellum, abstract) |
Mesencephalic Reticular Formation (MM.RF) | LPC.SC.PH.CL -> LRC.MM.CNF | (unknown reference) |