BrainRegionFMM FD MB MMB

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Medial Mammillary Nucleus

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaFMM -> BrainRegionFMM_FD_MB_MMB

This page covers biological details of component Medial Mammillary Nucleus. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to region: Forebrain Diencephalon -> Hypothalamus (FD.HT) -> Mammillary Body (FD.MB) -> Medial Mammillary Nucleus (FMM.FD.MB.MMB) (see Mind Maps)
  • Type: nucleus
  • Quality: L0
  • Brain area: Forebrain - Memory Management Area (FMM)
  • Area circuit: Theta Waves Control (MMATHETA)
  • Role:
  • Function: Relay for impulses coming from AM and HC
  • Notes to function:
    • Memory, recognition, spatial awareness, and interpreting the context of events




Component items:

  • Mediolateral Mammillary Nucleus
  • Medial Part of Medial Mammillary Nucleus



Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Source Region Source Name Type Role Reference
FAM FAM.FT.SEP.DBB Diagonal Band of Broca inhibitory-gaba uncertain Cingulate Gyrus (SEP -> HT, abstract)
FAM.FT.SEP.MED Medial Septal Nucleus inhibitory-gaba uncertain Cingulate Gyrus (SEP -> HT, abstract)
FMM FMM.FT.HC.CA1P Proximal CA1 of Hippocampus excitatory-glu uncertain Feeling (HC -> HT, abstract)
FMM.FT.HF.SUBD Distal Subiculum excitatory-glu uncertain Principal Connections of Hippocampus (HC -> MB, abstract)
FMM.FT.HF.SUBP Proximal Subiculum excitatory-glu uncertain Principal Connections of Hippocampus (HC -> MB, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.MEC Medial Entorhinal Cortex excitatory-glu uncertain Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (MedialEC -> MMB, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.PRS Presubiculum excitatory-glu uncertain Attractor Network in Hippocampus (PRESUB -> MBIN)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.TBM Tuberomammillary Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (TuberoMM -> MMB, abstract)
LMC LMC.MM.RP.SUC Superior Central Raphe Nucleus modulatory-5ht uncertain (unknown reference)
LMC.MM.VTA Ventral Tegmental Area modulatory-da uncertain Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (VTN -> MMB)

Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Target Region Target Name Type Role Reference
FMM FMM.FD.TH.AV Anteroventral Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (MMB -> AVTH)
LLC LLC.HT.PN.RSP Rostral Pontine Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (HT -> PN, abstract)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Mammillary Body (MMB -> RTG)
NCP NCP.FD.TH.AM Anteromedial Nucleus excitatory-glu uncertain Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (MMB -> AMTH)

Thirdparty Circuits


AVTH=Anteroventral Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AV
HF=Hippocampal Formation,FMM.FT.HF
MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
RSP=Retrosplenial Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.RSC
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SupraMM=Supramammillary Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SUM
VTN=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

ADTH=Anterodorsal Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AD
AMTH=Anteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.AM
AVTH=Anteroventral Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AV
DTN=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.LDT
LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
MedialEC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SUB=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
SupraMM=Supramammillary Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SUM
TuberoMM=Lateral Tuberal Nuclei,LAC.FD.HT.LTUB (see Hypothalamus)
VTN=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
RTG=Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus,LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG

ACG=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
HCA=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
LPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
OPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PCA=Medial Parietal Lobule,NC.MPL
PN=Pontine Nuclear Complex,HT.PN (see Metencephalic Sensory Nuclei)
TH=Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.MD (see Cognitive Thalamus)

AD=Anterodorsal Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AD
AM=Anteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.AM
AN=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (see Cognitive Thalamus)
AV=Anteroventral Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AV
CM=Centromedian Nucleus of Thalamus,FEC.FD.TH.CM
DLPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
LD=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD
MB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
MDmc=Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.MD (see Cognitive Thalamus)
MID=Midline Nuclear Group of Thalamus,FD.TH.MTH (see Cognitive Thalamus)
MPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
OFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
Perirhinal=Perirhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.PER
PostCingulate=Posterior Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG
Sub=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
SubPrePara=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
mPULV=Medial Pulvinar,NPE.FD.TH.MPV

CA1=Ventrolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA1 (see Hippocampal Formation)
LateralSeptal=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
MB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB

AN=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (see Cognitive Thalamus)
DG=Dentate Gyrus,FMM.FT.HC.DG
DorsalCingulate=Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.DACG
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
HC=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
MB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
PosteriorCingulate=Posterior Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SUB=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
VentralCingulate=Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.VACG

AN=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (see Cognitive Thalamus)
CA1=Ventrolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA1 (see Hippocampal Formation)
CA3=Dorsomedial Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA3 (see Hippocampal Formation)
DG=Dentate Gyrus,FMM.FT.HC.DG
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
MBIN=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
MBOUT=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
PERI=Perirhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.PER
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SUB=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)

