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Human Spinal Cervical Nerves
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This page is intended to list cervical spinal cord nerves of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs.
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motor nuclei/ganglia:
- Spinal Accessory Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.SAN; NERVES={nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles; nerve to geniohyoid; nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles; nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles}
- Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM; NERVES={ansa cervicalis; nerve to splenius capitis muscle; nerve to splenius cervilis muscle; thyroid nerve; occipital nerve, greater; suboccipital nerve}
sensory nuclei/ganglia:
- Jugular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.JUG; NERVES={jugular nerve, sensory}
- Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG; NERVES={cervical nerve, transverse; great auricular nerve, anterior branch; great auricular nerve, posterior branch; occipital nerve, neck; occipital nerve, third; suboccipital nerve; supraclavicular nerves, intermediate; supraclavicular nerves, lateral; supraclavicular nerves, medial}
- head and neck cervical nerves, motor; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}
- ansa cervicalis (MA:ANSA CERVICALIS); ORIGIN={from branches of C2/C3 nerves and from hypoglossal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={branches to all infrahyoid muscles except the thyrohyoid}; MODALITY={extensor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- ansa cervicalis, inferior root (MA:INFERIOR ROOT OF ANSA CERVICALIS); ORIGIN={union of branches from 2nd and 3rd cervical nerves}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Speaker - sternohyoid muscle - depress hyoid bone; Speaker - sternothyroid muscle - elevates larynx, may slightly depress hyoid bone}
- ansa cervicalis, superior root (MA:SUPERIOR ROOT OF ANSA CERVICALIS); ORIGIN={C1 spinal cord segment ventral horn}; DISTRIBUTION={muscular branch to the superior belly of omohyoid}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Speaker - omohyoid muscle - Depresses the larynx and hyoid bone. Carries hyoid bone backward and to the side}
- nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles; ORIGIN={C1-C2}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - rectus capitis anterior muscle - flexion of neck at atlanto-occipital joint; Neck - rectus capitis lateralis muscle - sidebend at atlanto-occipital joint, takes care of flexing the neck}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Spinal Accessory Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.SAN -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- nerve to geniohyoid (MA:NERVE TO GENIOHYOID); ORIGIN={C1}; DISTRIBUTION={C1 fibers along with hypoglossal nerve to geniohyoid muscle, capital neck flexor}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Feeder - geniohyoid muscle - carry hyoid bone and the tongue upward during deglutition}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Spinal Accessory Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.SAN -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles; ORIGIN={C2-C4}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - longus capitis muscle - flexion of neck at atlanto-occipital joint; Neck - longus colli muscle - flexes the neck and head}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Spinal Accessory Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.SAN -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles; ORIGIN={C3-C4}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - levator scapulae muscle, roots - Elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula; Neck - scalenus anterior muscle - C5, C6, elevates first rib, rotate the neck to the opposite side; Neck - scalenus medius muscle - C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, elevate 1st rib, laterally flex (bend) the neck to the same side; Neck - scalenus posterior muscle - C6, C7, C8, elevate 2nd rib, tilt the neck to the same side}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Spinal Accessory Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.SAN -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- nerve to splenius capitis muscle; ORIGIN={C3-C4}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - splenius capitis muscle - prime mover for head extension; can also allow lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- nerve to splenius cervilis muscle; ORIGIN={C5-C6}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - splenius cervicis muscle - bilaterally: extend the head and neck, unilaterally: lateral flexion to the same side, rotation to the same side}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- thyroid nerve (MA:NERVE TO THYROHYOID); ORIGIN={C1}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Speaker - thyrohyoid muscle - depresses hyoid bone and elevates the larynx}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Mouth speaker,TARGET.TEA.SPEAKER}
- ansa cervicalis (MA:ANSA CERVICALIS); ORIGIN={from branches of C2/C3 nerves and from hypoglossal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={branches to all infrahyoid muscles except the thyrohyoid}; MODALITY={extensor motor}
- head and neck cervical nerves, sensory; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}
- cervical nerve, transverse (MA:TRANSVERSE CERVICAL NERVE; cutaneous nerve of neck, anterior); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C2,C3)}; DISTRIBUTION={skin on side and front of neck, VPL}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- great auricular nerve (MA:GREATER AURICULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS, C2/C3}; DISTRIBUTION={skin over parotid gland and mastoid process, and both surfaces of auricle}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- great auricular nerve, anterior branch; ORIGIN={C2}; DISTRIBUTION={face; anterior branch is sensory to facial skin over the parotid gland}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Face,TARGET.TEA.FACE -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- great auricular nerve, posterior branch; ORIGIN={C3}; DISTRIBUTION={ear; posterior branch supplies the skin over the mastoid process, back of the auricle, lobule and a portion of the scalp}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Ear,TARGET.TSA.EAR -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- jugular nerve, sensory (MA:JUGULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={a branch of the superior cervical GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={communicates with the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves; jugular nerve, passes upward to the base of the skull, and divides to join the petrous ganglion of the glossopharyngeal, and the jugular ganglion of the vagus}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Lung,TARGET.TEA.LUNG -> Jugular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.JUG -> Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL -> Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPM}
- jugular nerve, branch to jugular (superior vagal) ganglion; MODALITY={general sensory}
- jugular nerve, branch to petrosal (inferior glossopharyngeal) ganglion; MODALITY={general sensory}
- occipital nerve; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}
- occipital nerve, neck; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- occipital nerve, greater (MA:GREATER OCCIPITAL NERVE); ORIGIN={medial branch of dorsal branch of C2; spinalis dorsi}; DISTRIBUTION={semispinal muscle of head and skin of scalp as far forward as the vertex}; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - semispinalis capitis - extend the head}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- occipital nerve, lesser (MA:LESSER OCCIPITAL NERVE); ORIGIN={superficial cervical PLEXUS (C2-C3)}; DISTRIBUTION={ascends behind the auricle and supplies some of the skin on the side of the head and on the cranial surface of the auricle}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- occipital nerve, third (MA:THIRD OCCIPITAL NERVE); ORIGIN={medial branch of dorsal branch of C3}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of upper part of back of neck and head; splenius (SPL), biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC), rectus capitus dorsalis, and obliquus capitus caudalis}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV -> Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO -> Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV -> Inferior Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.IVBN}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, endings={SPROP}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP -> Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO -> Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV}
- suboccipital nerve (MA:C1 NERVE; infraoccipital nerve); ORIGIN={dorsal branch of C1 nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={proprioception; emerges above posterior arch of atlas and supplies muscles of suboccipital triangle and semispinal muscle of head}; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Neck - obliquus capitis inferior muscle - rotation of head and neck; Neck - obliquus capitis superior muscle - extends head and flex head to the ipsilateral side; Neck - rectus capitis posterior major muscle - ipsilateral rotation of head and extension; Neck - rectus capitis posterior minor muscle - extends the head at the neck, but is now considered to be more of a sensory organ than a muscle}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, endings={SPROP}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK}
- supraclavicular nerves (MA:SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES); DISTRIBUTION={neck and upper cutaneous parts of female breast}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- supraclavicular nerves, intermediate (middle supraclavicular nerves); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C4)}; DISTRIBUTION={descend in the posterior triangle, cross the clavicle, and supply the skin over pectoral and deltoid region}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- supraclavicular nerves, lateral (posterior supraclavicular nerves); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C4)}; DISTRIBUTION={descend in the posterior triangle, cross the clavicle, and supply the skin of superior and posterior parts of shoulder}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Neck,TARGET.TEA.NECK -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- supraclavicular nerves, medial (anterior supraclavicular nerves); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C4)}; DISTRIBUTION={descend in posterior triangle, cross the clavicle, and supply the skin of medial infraclavicular region}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Breast,TARGET.TEA.BREAST -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- supraclavicular nerves, intermediate (middle supraclavicular nerves); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C4)}; DISTRIBUTION={descend in the posterior triangle, cross the clavicle, and supply the skin over pectoral and deltoid region}; MODALITY={general sensory}
motor nuclei/ganglia:
- Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL; NERVES={median nerve, motor, forearm innervation; musculocutaneous nerve, motor}
- Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM; NERVES={axillary nerve, anterior branch; suprascapular nerve; long thoracic nerve; lateral pectoral nerve; dorsal scapular nerve; nerve to levator scapulae}
- Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL; NERVES={median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation; ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation}
- Ventrolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VL; NERVES={radial nerve, motor}
- Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM; NERVES={axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii; subclavian nerve; medial pectoral nerve; subscapular nerves}
sensory nuclei/ganglia:
- Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG; NERVES={arm nerves, sensory; musculocutaneous nerve, sensory; shoulder nerves, mixed}
- arm nerves, motor; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}
- median nerve, motor (MA:MEDIAN NERVE); ORIGIN={lateral and medial cords of brachial PLEXUS-C6-T1}; DISTRIBUTION={ultimately, skin on front of lateral part of hand, most of flexor muscles of front of forearm, most of short muscles of thumb and elbow joint, and many joints of hand}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- median nerve, motor, forearm innervation; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- interosseous nerve of forearm, anterior, deep muscles of forearm (MA:ANTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={pronator quadratus}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - pronator quadratus muscle - pronates the forearm}
- median nerve, superficial muscles in foream; DISTRIBUTION={pronator teres}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - pronator teres muscle - pronation of forearm, flexes elbow}
- median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation (MA:PALMAR DIGITAL BRANCHES OF MEDIAN NERVE); MODALITY={flexor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- median nerve, deep muscles; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- interosseous nerve of forearm, anterior, hand (MA:ANTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE); ORIGIN={median nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={flexor digitorum profundus, muscular branches; flexor pollicis longus}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor digitorum profundus muscle, interosseous - flex hand, interphalangeal joints; Hand - flexor pollicis longus muscle - flexion of the thumb}
- median nerve, recurrent branch; DISTRIBUTION={muscles of thenar compartment; opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - abductor pollicis brevis muscle - abduction of thumb; Hand - flexor pollicis brevis muscle, median - flexion of thumb; Hand - opponens pollicis muscle - opposition of the thumb}
- median nerve, intermediate muscles of foream; DISTRIBUTION={flexor digitorum superficialis muscle}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor digitorum superficialis muscle - flexor of fingers (primarily at proximal interphalangeal joints)}
- median nerve, lumbricals branches; DISTRIBUTION={motor innervation to first and second lumbricals of hand}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - lumbricals of the hand muscles, median - flex metacarpophalangeal joints, extend interphalangeal joints}
- median nerve, superficial muscles in hand; DISTRIBUTION={flexor carpi radialis; palmaris longus}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor carpi radialis muscle - flexion and abduction at wrist; Hand - palmaris longus muscle - wrist flexor}
- median nerve, motor, forearm innervation; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- musculocutaneous nerve, motor (MA:MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE); ORIGIN={lateral cord of brachial PLEXUS-C5-C7}; DISTRIBUTION={coracobrachial and biceps brachial muscles, the elbow joint, and skin of radial side of forearm}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - biceps muscle - flexes elbow and supinates forearm; Hand - brachialis muscle - flexion at elbow joint; Hand - coracobrachialis muscle - flexes and adducts humerus}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- radial nerve, motor (MA:RADIAL NERVE); ORIGIN={posterior cord of brachial PLEXUS (C6-C8, and sometimes C5 and T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={descending in the back of arm and forearm, it is ultimately distributed to skin on back of arm, forearm, and hand, extensor muscles on back of arm and forearm, and elbow joint and many joints of hand}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - articularis cubiti muscle - lifts capsule away from joint}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventrolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VL -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- radial nerve, deep branch (MA:DEEP BRANCH OF RADIAL NERVE); MODALITY={extensor motor}
- interosseous nerve of forearm, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE); ORIGIN={continuation of deep branch of radial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, abductor/extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor indicis}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - abductor pollicis longus muscle - abduction, extension of thumb; Hand - extensor carpi ulnaris muscle - extends the little finger at all joints; Hand - extensor digiti minimi muscle - extends and adducts the wrist; Hand - extensor digitorum muscle - extension of hand and fingers; Hand - extensor indicis muscle - extends index finger, wrist; Hand - extensor pollicis brevis muscle - extension of thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint; Hand - extensor pollicis longus muscle - extension of the thumb (metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal); Hand - supinator muscle - supinates forearm}
- radial nerve, deep branch before supinator; DISTRIBUTION={extensor carpi radialis brevis, supinator}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle - extensor at the wrist joint, abducts the hand at the wrist}
- radial nerve, upper arm muscular branches; DISTRIBUTION={triceps brachii (lateral and medial heads), anconeus, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - anconeus muscle - partly blended in with the triceps, which it assists in extension of the forearm. Stabilises the elbow and abducts the ulna during pronation; Hand - brachioradialis muscle - stabilizer of elbow joint; Hand - extensor carpi radialis longus muscle - extensor and abductor of the hand at the wrist joint; Hand - triceps brachii muscle, radial - extends forearm, caput longum adducts shoulder}
- ulnar nerve, motor (MA:ULNAR NERVE; cubital nerve); ORIGIN={medial and lateral cords of brachial PLEXUS (C7-T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={ultimately to skin on front and back of medial part of hand, some flexor muscles on front of forearm, many short muscles of hand, elbow joint, many joints of hand}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- ulnar nerve, deep muscles (MA:DEEP BRANCH OF ULNAR NERVE); MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - abductor digiti minimi muscle of hand - abduction of little finger; Hand - dorsal interossei muscles of the hand - abduct finger; Hand - palmar interossei muscles - adduction}
- ulnar nerve, adductor pollicis and lumbrical; DISTRIBUTION={adductor pollicis; third and fourth lumbrical muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - adductor pollicis muscle - adducts the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint; Hand - lumbricals of the hand muscles, ulnar - flex metacarpophalangeal joints, extend interphalangeal joints}
- ulnar nerve, flexor digiti minimi; DISTRIBUTION={flexor digiti minimi}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor digiti minimi brevis of hand - flexes little finger}
- ulnar nerve, hypothenar muscles; DISTRIBUTION={hypothenar muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- ulnar nerve, interossei; DISTRIBUTION={palmar interossei; dorsal interossei}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor digitorum profundus muscle, ulnar - flex hand, interphalangeal joints}
- ulnar nerve, pollicis brevis; DISTRIBUTION={flexor pollicis brevis}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor pollicis brevis muscle, ulnar - flexion of thumb}
- ulnar nerve, superficial muscles (MA:SUPERFICIAL BRANCH OF ULNAR NERVE); MODALITY={flexor motor}
- ulnar nerve, muscular branches; DISTRIBUTION={flexor carpi ulnaris}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - flexor carpi ulnaris muscle - flexion and adduction of wrist}
- ulnar nerve, superficial branch; DISTRIBUTION={palmaris brevis; abductor digiti minimi; opponens digiti minimi}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - opponens digiti minimi muscle - draws 5th metacarpal anteriorly and rotates it, bringing little finger (5th digit) into opposition with thumb; Hand - palmaris brevis muscle - wrinkle skin of palm}
- ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- median nerve, motor (MA:MEDIAN NERVE); ORIGIN={lateral and medial cords of brachial PLEXUS-C6-T1}; DISTRIBUTION={ultimately, skin on front of lateral part of hand, most of flexor muscles of front of forearm, most of short muscles of thumb and elbow joint, and many joints of hand}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- arm nerves, sensory; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG}
- fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.USG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.CU -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL}
- cutaneous nerve of arm, medial (MA:MEDIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF ARM); ORIGIN={medial cord of brachial PLEXUS (T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={skin on medial and posterior aspects of arm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- cutaneous nerve of forearm, medial (MA:MEDIAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF FOREARM); ORIGIN={medial cord of brachial PLEXUS (C8, T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of front, medial, and posteromedial aspects of forearm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- median nerve, sensory (MA:MEDIAN NERVE); ORIGIN={lateral and medial cords of brachial PLEXUS-C6-T1}; DISTRIBUTION={ultimately, skin on front of lateral part of hand, most of flexor muscles of front of forearm, most of short muscles of thumb and elbow joint, and many joints of hand}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- median nerve, digital cutaneous branches; DISTRIBUTION={lateral (radial) three and a half digits on the palmar side; index, middle and ring finger on dorsum of the hand}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of median nerve, common palmar; DISTRIBUTION={thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers, and first two lumbrical muscles}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of median nerve, proper palmar; DISTRIBUTION={first two lumbrical muscles, skin and joints of both sides and palmar aspect of thumb, index, and middle fingers, radial side of ring finger, and back of distal aspect of these digits}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- median nerve, palmar cutaneous branch (MA:PALMAR CUTANEOUS BRANCH OF MEDIAN NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={lateral aspect of skin of palm (but not digits)}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- musculocutaneous nerve, sensory (MA:MUSCULOCUTANEOUS NERVE); ORIGIN={lateral cord of brachial PLEXUS-C5-C7}; DISTRIBUTION={coracobrachial and biceps brachial muscles, the elbow joint, and skin of radial side of forearm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, endings={SPROP}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Centrobasalis Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CBS -> Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV}
- cutaneous nerve of forearm, lateral (MA:LATERAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF FOREARM); ORIGIN={continuation of musculocutaneous nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin over radial side of forearm and sometimes an area of skin of dorsum of hand}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- radial nerve, sensory (MA:RADIAL NERVE); ORIGIN={posterior cord of brachial PLEXUS (C6-C8, and sometimes C5 and T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={descending in the back of arm and forearm, it is ultimately distributed to skin on back of arm, forearm, and hand, extensor muscles on back of arm and forearm, and elbow joint and many joints of hand}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- radial nerve, sensory, cutaneous branches; MODALITY={general sensory}
- cutaneous nerve of arm, inferior lateral (MA:LOWER LATERAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF ARM); ORIGIN={radial nerve, arm}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of lateral surface of lower part of arm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- cutaneous nerve of forearm, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR CUTANEOUS NERVE OF FOREARM); ORIGIN={radial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of dorsal aspect of forearm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- radial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of arm (MA:POSTERIOR CUTANEOUS NERVE OF ARM); ORIGIN={axilla}; DISTRIBUTION={skin on back of arm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- radial nerve, superficial branch (MA:SUPERFICIAL BRANCH OF RADIAL NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={radial side of thumb (by a digital nerve), skin of radial side and ball of thumb}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of radial nerve, dorsal (MA:DORSAL DIGITAL BRANCHES OF SUPERFICIAL RADIAL NERVE); ORIGIN={superficial branch of radial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin and joints of back of thumb, index finger, and part of middle finger, as far distally as the distal phalanx}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- ulnar nerve, sensory (MA:ULNAR NERVE; cubital nerve); ORIGIN={medial and lateral cords of brachial PLEXUS (C7-T1)}; DISTRIBUTION={ultimately to skin on front and back of medial part of hand, some flexor muscles on front of forearm, many short muscles of hand, elbow joint, many joints of hand}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- ulnar nerve, dorsal branch (MA:DORSAL BRANCH OF ULNAR NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={supplies cutaneous innervation to posterior skin (except nails)}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, dorsal; ORIGIN={dorsal branch of ulnar nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin and joints of medial side of little finger, dorsal aspects of adjacent sides of little and ring fingers and of ring and middle fingers}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- ulnar nerve, palmar cutaneous branch (MA:PALMAR CUTANEOUS BRANCH OF ULNAR NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={supplies cutaneous innervation to anterior skin and nails}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, common palmar number two; ORIGIN={superficial branch of ulnar nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={little and ring fingers}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, proper palmar (proper palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve); ORIGIN={the lateral of the two common palmar digital nerves from the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin and joints of adjacent sides of fourth and fifth fingers}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, common palmar number two; ORIGIN={superficial branch of ulnar nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={little and ring fingers}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- shoulder nerves, mixed; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG}
- fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.USG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.CU -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL}
- axillary nerve (MA:AXILLARY NERVE); ORIGIN={posterior cord of brachial PLEXUS (C5-C6)}; DISTRIBUTION={deltoid and teres minor muscles, skin on back of arm}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
- axillary nerve, anterior branch; DISTRIBUTION={anterior border of deltoid to provide motor innervation, few small cutaneous branches}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - deltoid muscle, anterior - shoulder flexion}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- axillary nerve, posterior branch; DISTRIBUTION={supplies teres minor and posterior part of deltoid}; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - deltoid muscle, lateral and posterior - shoulder abduction, extension; Hand - teres minor muscle - laterally rotates and adducts the arm}
- axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii; DISTRIBUTION={motor branch of long head of triceps brachii}; MODALITY={extensor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Hand - triceps brachii muscle, axillary - extends forearm, caput longum adducts shoulder}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- cutaneous nerve of arm, superior lateral (MA:UPPER LATERAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF ARM); ORIGIN={axillary nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of back of arm}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii; DISTRIBUTION={motor branch of long head of triceps brachii}; MODALITY={extensor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Hand - triceps brachii muscle, axillary - extends forearm, caput longum adducts shoulder}
- scapular nerves; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
- suprascapular nerve (MA:SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS (C5-C6)}; DISTRIBUTION={descends through suprascapular and spinoglenoid notches and supplies acromioclavicular and shoulder joints, and supraspinous and infraspinous muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Hand - infraspinatus muscle - Lateral rotation of arm and Adduction of arm and stabilizes humerus; Hand - supraspinatus muscle - abduction of arm and stabilizes humerus}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- suprascapular nerve (MA:SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS (C5-C6)}; DISTRIBUTION={descends through suprascapular and spinoglenoid notches and supplies acromioclavicular and shoulder joints, and supraspinous and infraspinous muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Hand - infraspinatus muscle - Lateral rotation of arm and Adduction of arm and stabilizes humerus; Hand - supraspinatus muscle - abduction of arm and stabilizes humerus}
- subclavian nerve (MA:NERVE TO SUBCLAVIUS); ORIGIN={upper trunk of brachial PLEXUS (C5)}; DISTRIBUTION={subclavius muscle and sternoclavicular joint}; MODALITY={extensor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Hand - subclavius muscle - depression of clavicle}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- shoulder nerves, pure motor; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}
- long thoracic nerve (MA:LONG THORACIC NERVE; nerve of Bell); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS (ventral branches of C5-C7)}; DISTRIBUTION={descends behind brachial plexus to serratus anterior muscle}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - serratus anterior muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- pectoral nerve; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}
- lateral pectoral nerve (MA:LATERAL PECTORAL NERVE); ORIGIN={C5-C7}; DISTRIBUTION={upper pectoralis major muscle}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - pectoralis major muscle - Clavicular head: flexes the humerus. Sternocostal head: extends the humerus. As a whole, adducts and medially rotates the humerus. It also draws the scapula anteriorly and inferiorly}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- medial pectoral nerve (MA:MEDIAL PECTORAL NERVE); ORIGIN={C8-T1}; DISTRIBUTION={lower pectoralis major muscle, pectoralis minor}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - pectoralis minor muscle - stabilizes the scapula by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- scapular nerves, pure motor; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}
- dorsal scapular nerve (MA:DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS-ventral branch of C5}; DISTRIBUTION={rhomboid muscles and occasionally levator muscle of scapula}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - levator scapulae muscle, scapular - Elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula; Hand - rhomboid major muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall; Hand - rhomboid minor muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- dorsal scapular nerve, branch to rhomboideus major; DISTRIBUTION={rhomboideus major}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- dorsal scapular nerve, branch to rhomboideus minor; DISTRIBUTION={rhomboideus minor}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- nerve to levator scapulae; ORIGIN={C3-C4}; DISTRIBUTION={shoulder, levator scapulae}; MODALITY={flexor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Posteromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- subscapular nerves; ORIGIN={posterior division of the brachial plexus}; MODALITY={extensor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Hand,TARGET.TEA.HAND}
- lower subscapular nerve (MA:LOWER SUBSCAPULAR NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={subscapularis, teres major}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - subscapularis muscle, lower - rotates medially humerus; stabilizes shoulder; Hand - teres major muscle - internal rotation of the humerus}
- middle subscapular nerve (MA:THORACODORSAL NERVE; long scapular nerve); ORIGIN={posterior cord of brachial PLEXUS (C7-C8)}; DISTRIBUTION={latissimus dorsi muscle}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - latissimus dorsi muscle - pulls the forelimb dorsally and caudally}
- upper subscapular nerve (MA:UPPER SUBSCAPULAR NERVE); DISTRIBUTION={subscapularis}; MODALITY={extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - subscapularis muscle, upper - rotates medially humerus; stabilizes shoulder}
- dorsal scapular nerve (MA:DORSAL SCAPULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS-ventral branch of C5}; DISTRIBUTION={rhomboid muscles and occasionally levator muscle of scapula}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - levator scapulae muscle, scapular - Elevates scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula; Hand - rhomboid major muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall; Hand - rhomboid minor muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall}
- long thoracic nerve (MA:LONG THORACIC NERVE; nerve of Bell); ORIGIN={brachial PLEXUS (ventral branches of C5-C7)}; DISTRIBUTION={descends behind brachial plexus to serratus anterior muscle}; MODALITY={flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - serratus anterior muscle - Retracts the scapula and rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity. It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall}
motor nuclei/ganglia:
- Phrenic Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PHR; NERVES={phrenic nerve}
sensory nuclei/ganglia:
- Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG; NERVES={cervical cardiac nerve, sensory; phrenic nerve}
- heart cervical nerves, sensory; MODALITY={autonomic sensory}
- cervical cardiac nerve, sensory; MODALITY={autonomic sensory}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Heart,TARGET.TEA.HEART -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG}
- cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sensory (MA:CARDIAC BRANCH OF CERVICOTHORACIC GANGLION); ORIGIN={sensory fibers whose cell bodies are placed in the C7-8,T1 spinal ganglia through the thoracic splanchnic nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={heart via cardiac PLEXUS}; MODALITY={autonomic sensory}
- cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sensory (MA:LEFT CARDIAC BRANCH OF MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION, RIGHT CARDIAC BRANCH OF MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION); ORIGIN={sensory fibers whose cell bodies are placed in the C5-6 spinal ganglia through the thoracic splanchnic nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={heart}; MODALITY={autonomic sensory}
- cervical cardiac nerve, sensory; MODALITY={autonomic sensory}
- lung cervical nerves, mixed; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
- phrenic nerve (MA:LEFT PHRENIC NERVE, RIGHT PHRENIC NERVE); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C5)}; DISTRIBUTION={sensory to pleura, pericardium, motor to diaphragm, peritoneum, and sympathetic plexuses; sensory - central tendon of the diaphragm}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Lung - thoracic diaphragm - increases thoracic cavity volume; inhalation}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Phrenic Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PHR -> Lung,TARGET.TEA.LUNG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Lung,TARGET.TEA.LUNG -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Lung,TARGET.TEA.LUNG -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.USG}
- phrenic nerve, accessory; ORIGIN={inconstant contribution of C5 nerve to the phrenic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={when present, they run a separate course to the root of the neck or into the thorax before joining the phrenic nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
- phrenic nerve, proper; ORIGIN={C3-C4}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
- phrenic nerve (MA:LEFT PHRENIC NERVE, RIGHT PHRENIC NERVE); ORIGIN={cervical PLEXUS (C3-C5)}; DISTRIBUTION={sensory to pleura, pericardium, motor to diaphragm, peritoneum, and sympathetic plexuses; sensory - central tendon of the diaphragm}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={Lung - thoracic diaphragm - increases thoracic cavity volume; inhalation}
motor nuclei/ganglia:
- Middle Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.MCG; NERVES={cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sympathetic; middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami; middle cervical ganglion, thyroid branches}
- Stellate Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.STG; NERVES={ansa subclavia; cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic; stellate ganglion, arterial branches; stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami}
- Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG; NERVES={external carotid nerve; caroticotympanic nerves; ciliary nerves, sympathetic fibers; internal carotid nerve, to tarsal muscle; palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers; jugular nerve, sympathetic; superior cervical cardiac nerve; superior cervical ganglion, laryngopharyngeal branches; superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami}
sensory nuclei/ganglia:
- middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers (MA:MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- ansa subclavia (MA:ANSA SUBCLAVIA); DISTRIBUTION={to stellate ganglion}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Stellate Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.STG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sympathetic (MA:LEFT CARDIAC BRANCH OF MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION, RIGHT CARDIAC BRANCH OF MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION); ORIGIN={middle cervical GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={heart}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Heart - lower cardiac muscle, middle - increase contractility}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Middle Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.MCG -> Heart,TARGET.TEA.HEART}
- middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami (lateral branches); ORIGIN={spinal cord}; DISTRIBUTION={C5-C6 spinal nerve targets, inner surface of hands}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - forearm blood vessels - ensures adequate flow of oxygenated blood to hands and fingers}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Middle Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.MCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- middle cervical ganglion, thyroid branches (MA:THYROID BRANCHES OF MIDDLE CERVICAL GANGLION); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Endocrine - parathyroid gland - release parathyroid hormones into blood; Endocrine - thyroid gland - release thyroid hormones into blood}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Middle Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.MCG -> Endocrine Glands,TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE}
- ansa subclavia (MA:ANSA SUBCLAVIA); DISTRIBUTION={to stellate ganglion}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers (MA:CERVICOTHORACIC GANGLION; inferior cervical ganglion, cervicothoracic ganglion); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic (MA:CARDIAC BRANCH OF CERVICOTHORACIC GANGLION); ORIGIN={cervicothoracic GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={heart via cardiac PLEXUS}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Heart - lower cardiac muscle, stellar - increase contractility}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Stellate Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.STG -> Heart,TARGET.TEA.HEART}
- stellate ganglion, arterial branches; DISTRIBUTION={supply the subclavian and vertebral arteries}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Stellate Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.STG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami (lateral branches); ORIGIN={spinal cord}; DISTRIBUTION={C7-C8 spinal nerve targets, upper hand blood vessels}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - arm blood vessels - ensures adequate flow of oxygenated blood to arms}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Stellate Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.STG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic (MA:CARDIAC BRANCH OF CERVICOTHORACIC GANGLION); ORIGIN={cervicothoracic GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={heart via cardiac PLEXUS}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Heart - lower cardiac muscle, stellar - increase contractility}
- superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers (MA:SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- carotid nerves; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- external carotid nerve; DISTRIBUTION={ramify upon the common carotid artery and upon the external carotid artery and its branches; w/o connection in submaxillary ganglion, otic ganglion, external petrosal nerve, to the genicular ganglion of the facial nerve}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - parotid gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva; Vessels - sublingual gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva; Vessels - submandibular gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- internal carotid nerve (MA:INTERNAL CAROTID NERVE); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- caroticotympanic nerves (MAINFERIOR CAROTICOTYMPANIC NERVE, SUPERIOR CAROTICOTYMPANIC NERVE); ORIGIN={internal carotid PLEXUS; inferior and superior nerves can be distinguished; together with tympanic nerve, they form the tympanic plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={tympanic region and parotid gland}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- ciliary nerves, sympathetic fibers; ORIGIN={nasociliary nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={long and short ciliary nerves, dilator muscle of pupil, uvea, cornea}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Eye - ciliary muscle - sympathetic - accommodation excitation; Eye - iris dilator muscle - pupil dilation; Eye - orbicularis oculi muscle - closes the eyelids; Eye - orbitalis muscle - protrusion of eyeball}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Eye,TARGET.TSA.EYE}
- internal carotid nerve, to tarsal muscle; DISTRIBUTION={superior tarsal muscle; inferior tarsal muscle}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Eye - inferior tarsal muscle - lower lid retraction; Eye - superior tarsal muscle - raise the upper eyelid}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Eye,TARGET.TSA.EYE}
- petrosal nerve, deep (MAEXTERNAL PETROSAL NERVE, MA:DEEP PETROSAL NERVE; vidian nerve, deep); ORIGIN={internal carotid PLEXUS from T1 spinal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={from superior cervical sympathetic ganglion as internal carotid nerve, joins greater petrosal nerve to form nerve of pterygoid canal, and supplies lacrimal, nasal, and palatine glands via pterygopalatine ganglion and its branches}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers; DISTRIBUTION={superior cervical ganglion sends sympathetic nerve fibers to the head organs, sympathetic fibers from the SCG run up on the internal carotid artery and form the deep petrosal nerve to pterygopalatine ganglia and follow the same tracts as the parasympathetic fibers}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPRV}, chain={Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers, greater (MA:POSTERIOR INFERIOR NASAL NERVES; palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers, anterior); ORIGIN={deep petrosal nerve to pterygopalatine GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={hard palate, blood vessels}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- palatine nerves, sympathetic fibers, lesser; ORIGIN={pterygopalatine GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={soft palate, blood vessels}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers; DISTRIBUTION={superior cervical ganglion sends sympathetic nerve fibers to the head organs, sympathetic fibers from the SCG run up on the internal carotid artery and form the deep petrosal nerve to pterygopalatine ganglia and follow the same tracts as the parasympathetic fibers}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- caroticotympanic nerves (MAINFERIOR CAROTICOTYMPANIC NERVE, SUPERIOR CAROTICOTYMPANIC NERVE); ORIGIN={internal carotid PLEXUS; inferior and superior nerves can be distinguished; together with tympanic nerve, they form the tympanic plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={tympanic region and parotid gland}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- external carotid nerve; DISTRIBUTION={ramify upon the common carotid artery and upon the external carotid artery and its branches; w/o connection in submaxillary ganglion, otic ganglion, external petrosal nerve, to the genicular ganglion of the facial nerve}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - parotid gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva; Vessels - sublingual gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva; Vessels - submandibular gland vasoconstrictors - reduces glandular bloodflow, thereby decreasing the volume of fluid in salivary secretions, producing an enzyme rich mucous saliva}
- jugular nerve, sympathetic (MA:JUGULAR NERVE); ORIGIN={a branch of the superior cervical GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={sympathetic vasomotor - to blood vessels}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - heart blood vessels - narrowing of the blood vessels}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- superior cervical cardiac nerve (MA:LEFT CARDIAC BRANCH OF SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION, RIGHT CARDIAC BRANCH OF SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION); MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Heart - upper cardiac muscle - increase contractility}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Heart,TARGET.TEA.HEART}
- superior cervical ganglion, laryngopharyngeal branches (MA:LARYNGOPHARYNGEAL BRANCHES OF SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION); DISTRIBUTION={carotid body efferent inhibition; pass to the side of the pharynx, where they join with branches from the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and external laryngeal nerves to form the pharyngeal plexus}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Heart - upper cardiac muscle - increase contractility}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Heart,TARGET.TEA.HEART}
- superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami (lateral branches); ORIGIN={spinal cord}; DISTRIBUTION={C1-C4 spinal nerve targets}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG -> Blood vessels,TARGET.TEA.VESSELS}
- median nerve, motor, vascular branches; DISTRIBUTION={arm innervation, wall of brachial artery}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Vessels - wall of brachial artery smooth muscles - provide a more or less steady supply of blood at normal pressure into the capillary beds}