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Cranial Human Nerves

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> HumanNerves -> HumanNervesCranial

This page is intended to list all nerves of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs. Related findings are structured by other research themes.

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motor nuclei/ganglia:

sensory nuclei/ganglia:

  • Geniculate Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.GNG; NERVES={auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch; communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve; palatine nerves, lesser, parasympathetic fibers}
  • Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.MM.MSTR; NERVES={nerves to masticatory muscles}
  • Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG; NERVES={buccal nerve; mandibular nerve, meningeal branch; auricular nerves, anterior; auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane; auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve; nerve of external acoustic meatus; inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches; inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches; mental nerve; lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces; lingual nerve, lingual branch; sublingual nerve; alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch; nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers; palatine nerve, sensory fibers; alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches; infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch; infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch; internal nasal nerve; superior labial branch; maxillary nerve, meningeal branch; zygomatic nerve; frontal nerve; lacrimal nerve; ciliary nerves, sensory fibers; ethmoidal nerve; infratrochlear nerve; tentorial nerve}


  • accessory nerve (MA:ACCESSORY NERVE; eleventh cranial nerve, XI); MODALITY={cranial motor, flexor motor, extensor motor}


    • accessory nerve, external; ORIGIN={by spinal roots from the side of the spinal cord (from the upper three or more cervical segments), from the nucleus of accessory nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={the external branch branches to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles (shoulder)}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Hand - trapezius muscle - Descending (superior) part elevates; ascending (inferior) part depresses; and middle part (or all parts together) retracts scapula; descending and ascending parts act together to rotate glenoid cavity superiorly; Neck - sternocleidomastoid muscle - Acting alone, tilts head to its own side and rotates it so the face is turned towards the opposite side. Acting together, flexes the neck, raises the sternum and assists in forced inspiration.}
    • accessory nerve, internal; ORIGIN={by cranial ROOTS from side of medulla oblongata, from ambiguus nucleus}; DISTRIBUTION={internal branch to vagus and thereby to palate, pharynx, larynx, and thoracic viscera, pharyngeal and superior laryngeal branches of vagus, muscles of the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate}; MODALITY={cranial motor}
  • facial nerve (MA:FACIAL NERVE; seventh cranial nerve, VII); ORIGIN={inferior border of pons, between olive and inferior cerebellar peduncle}; DISTRIBUTION={various structures of face, head, and neck}; MODALITY={cranial motor, parasympathetic motor, general sensory, special sensory}




      • petrosal nerve, greater (MA:GREATER PETROSAL NERVE); ORIGIN={intermediate nerve via geniculate GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={running forward from the geniculate ganglion, it joins the deep petrosal nerve of the pterygoid canal, and reaches lacrimal, nasal, and palatine glands and nasopharynx, via pterygopalatine ganglion and its branches}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, special sensory}






    • mandibular nerve (MA:MANDIBULAR NERVE; one of three terminal divisions of the trigeminal nerve); ORIGIN={trigeminal GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={passing through the foramen ovale to the infratemporal fossa, extensive distribution to muscles of mastication, skin of face, mucous membrane of mouth, and teeth}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, cranial motor, general sensory, visceral motor}



      • mandibular nerve, meningeal branch (MA:NERVUS SPINOSUS; recurrent branch); DISTRIBUTION={supplies the dura mater, supplies mastoid cells that communicate with middle ear}; MODALITY={general sensory}
      • mandibular nerve, posterior trunk (MA:POSTERIOR TRUNK OF MANDIBULAR NERVE); MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, cranial motor, general sensory}
        • auriculotemporal nerve (MA:AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE); ORIGIN={by two roots from the mandibular nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={parotid gland, scalp in temporal region, tympanic membrane}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, general sensory}
          • unavailable
          • auricular nerves, anterior; ORIGIN={auriculotemporal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={supply the tragus and upper part of the auricle, skin of anterosuperior part of external ear}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane; ORIGIN={auriculotemporal nerve comprises exclusively somatosensory fibers, which ascend to the superficial temporal region and there it supplies the supplies the auricle, external acoustic meatus, outer side of the tympanic membrane and the skin in the temporal region}; DISTRIBUTION={outer side of the tympanic membrane and the skin in the temporal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve; ORIGIN={The auriculotemporal nerve then pierces the parotid fascia and enters the retromandibular region of the parotid gland; Within the parotid gland, it breaks up in a spray of branches that immediately and abruptly diverge; Anterior and posterior communicating ramus with the facial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={They provide sensory fibers for the zygomatic, buccal, and mandibular divisions of the facial nerve to the skin, convey proprioceptive impulses from orbicularis oculi}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • auriculotemporal nerve, parotid branch; ORIGIN={auriculotemporal nerve passes medially to the neck of the mandible, gives off parotid branches and then turns superior}; DISTRIBUTION={secretomotor fibers from tympanic plexus to the parotid gland}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor}
          • nerve of external acoustic meatus; ORIGIN={auriculotemporal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin lining external acoustic meatus, and tympanic membrane}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • inferior alveolar nerve (MA:INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE); ORIGIN={mandibular nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={teeth and gums of lower jaw, skin of chin and lower lip, mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric muscle}; MODALITY={cranial motor, general sensory}


          • inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches (MA:INCISIVE NERVE); ORIGIN={Within the canal or in their intraosseous course the fascicles of the IAN can either unite into single or double stranded bundles as well as ramify into an ample plexus formation. These neural structures give rise to the inferior dental branches and the inferior gingival branches}; DISTRIBUTION={providing sensation to the teeth and gums}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches; ORIGIN={see dental branches}; DISTRIBUTION={mandibular (lower jaw) gingiva, interteeth tissue}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • mental nerve (MA:MENTAL NERVE); ORIGIN={inferior alveolar nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of chin, and lower lip}; MODALITY={general sensory}



        • lingual nerve (MA:LINGUAL NERVE); ORIGIN={mandibular nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={descending to the tongue, first medial to the mandible and then under cover of the mucous membrane of the mouth; anterior two-thirds of tongue, adjacent areas of mouth, gums, isthmus of fauces}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, general sensory}



        • nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers (MA:NASOPALATINE NERVE); ORIGIN={pterygopalatine GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={carries sensory information from the posterior inferior medial wall of the nasal cavity and anterior hard palate}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • palatine nerve, sensory fibers; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Mouth feeder,TARGET.TEA.FEEDER -> Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG}
          • palatine nerve, greater, sensory fibers (MA:GREATER PALATINE NERVE; palatine nerve, sensory fibers, anterior); ORIGIN={pterygopalatine GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={emerges through the greater palatine foramen and supplies the palate}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • palatine nerves, lesser, sensory fibers (MA:LESSER PALATINE NERVES); ORIGIN={pterygopalatine GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={emerge through the lesser palatine foramen and supply the soft palate and tonsil, uvula}; MODALITY={general sensory}
      • infraorbital nerve (MA:INFRAORBITAL NERVE); ORIGIN={continuation of the maxillary nerve, entering the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure, and occupying in succession the infraorbital groove, canal, and foramen}; DISTRIBUTION={incisor, cuspid, and premolar teeth of upper jaw, skin and conjunctiva of lower eyelid, mobile septum and skin of side of nose, mucous membrane of mouth, skin of upper lip}; MODALITY={general sensory}



      • frontal nerve (MA:FRONTAL NERVE); ORIGIN={ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve; enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure}; DISTRIBUTION={chiefly to the forehead and scalp, sensory innervations for the skin of the forehead, mucosa of frontal sinus, and the skin of the upper eyelid}; MODALITY={general sensory}


        • fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Face,TARGET.TEA.FACE -> Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG}
        • supraorbital nerve (MA:SUPRAORBITAL NERVE); ORIGIN={continuation of frontal nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={leaves orbit through supraorbital notch or foramen, and supplies the skin of upper eyelid, forehead, anterior scalp (to vertex), mucosa of frontal sinus}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • supratrochlear nerve (MA:SUPRATROCHLEAR NERVE); ORIGIN={frontal nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={leaves orbit at medial end of supraorbital margin and supplies the forehead and upper eyelid}; MODALITY={general sensory}
      • lacrimal nerve (MA:LACRIMAL NERVE); ORIGIN={ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, entering the orbit through the superior orbital fissure}; DISTRIBUTION={lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, lateral commissure of eye, and skin of upper eyelid}; MODALITY={autonomic sensory, general sensory}
      • nasociliary nerve (MA:NASOCILIARY NERVE); ORIGIN={ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • ciliary nerves, sensory fibers; MODALITY={general sensory}


          • fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Eye,TARGET.TSA.EYE -> Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG}
          • ciliary nerves, long, sensory fibers (MA:LONG CILIARY NERVES); ORIGIN={nasociliary nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={dilator muscle of pupil, uvea, cornea}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • ciliary nerves, short, sensory fibers (MA:SHORT CILIARY NERVES); ORIGIN={ciliary GANGLION}; DISTRIBUTION={smooth muscle and tunics of eye}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • ethmoidal nerve; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Nose,TARGET.TSA.NOSE -> Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG}
          • ethmoidal nerve, anterior (MA:ANTERIOR ETHMOIDAL NERVE); ORIGIN={continuation of nasociliary nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={mucosa of upper and anterior nasal septum, lateral wall of nasal cavity, skin of lower bridge and tip of nose}; MODALITY={general sensory}
          • ethmoidal nerve, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR ETHMOIDAL NERVE); ORIGIN={nasociliary nerve, from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={mucosa of posterior ethmoid cells and of sphenoidal sinus}; MODALITY={general sensory}
        • infratrochlear nerve (MA:INFRATROCHLEAR NERVE); ORIGIN={nasociliary nerve from ophthalmic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of root and upper bridge of nose and lower eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal duct}; MODALITY={general sensory}
      • tentorial nerve; ORIGIN={a branch that arises from the ophthalmic nerve close to its origin from the trigeminal ganglion}; DISTRIBUTION={turning back to innervate the dura mater of the tentorium cerebelli and falx cerebri}; MODALITY={general sensory}



motor nuclei/ganglia:

sensory nuclei/ganglia:


  • eye nerves; MODALITY={cranial motor, parasympathetic motor, special sensory}
    • abducent nerve (MA:ABDUCENT NERVE; sixth cranial nerve, VI); ORIGIN={a NUCLEUS in the pons, beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle, emerging from the brain stem anteriorly between the pons and medulla oblongata}; DISTRIBUTION={lateral rectus muscle of eye}; MODALITY={cranial motor}; MUSCLES={Eye - lateral rectus muscle - abducts the eyeball}






  • olfactory nerves (MA:OLFACTORY NERVE; first cranial nerve, I); ORIGIN={the nerves of smell, consisting of about 20 bundles which arise in the OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM}; DISTRIBUTION={pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to the olfactory bulb}; MODALITY={special sensory}
  • vagus nerve (MA:VAGUS NERVE; pneumogastric nerve, tenth cranial nerve, X); ORIGIN={by numerous ROOTLETS from lateral side of medulla oblongata in the groove between the olive and the inferior cerebellar peduncle}; DISTRIBUTION={descending through the jugular foramen, it presents as a superior and an inferior ganglion, and continues through the neck and thorax into the abdomen. It supplies sensory fibers to the ear, tongue, pharynx, and larynx, motor fibers to the pharynx, larynx, and esophagus, and parasympathetic and visceral afferent fibers to thoracic and abdominal viscera}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, visceral motor, autonomic sensory, general sensory}


    • vagus nerve, heart and lung; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}







