BrainCenterMM REF
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Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon
@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterMM_REF
This page covers biological details of component group Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.
- Top-down path to center: Midbrain Mesencephalon -> Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF) (see Mind Maps)
- Function:
- Notes to function: Generate simple motor signal by sensory without cortex
Component items:
- Auditory Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF.AUD)
- Inferior Colliculus (ABA.MM.IC)
- Central Nucleus of Inferior Colliculus: Integrate and relay auditory information to cortex, detection of pitch, spatial localization by binaural hearing
- External Nucleus of Inferior Colliculus: Middle ear reflex
- Superior Olivary Complex: Bilateral Audition
- Inferior Colliculus (ABA.MM.IC)
- Visual Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF.VIS)
- Superior Colliculus (MM.SC): Direct behavioral responses toward specific points in egocentric space, induce saccadic eye movement
- Superficial Superior Colliculus: Head and eye attention to visual stimuli
- Intermediate Superior Colliculus: Sensimotor integration for orienting
- Deep Superior Colliculus: Head and eye attention to non-visual stimuli
- Supraoculomotor Area (VBA.MM.SOA): Control of vergence
- Cajal Nucleus: Integration of head and eye movements, controls downward vertical gaze
- Rostral Interstitial Nucleus of MLF: Integration of head and eye movements, controls upward vertical gaze
- Darkschewitsch Nucleus: Mediate the consensual pupillary light reflex
- Pretectum (MM.PT)
- Anterior Pretectum Nucleus: Mediate somatosensory and nociceptive information
- Nucleus of Optic Tract: Encode retinal error information during smooth pursuit eye movements
- Pretectal Olivary Nucleus: Pupillary light reflex and modulating subcortical nuclei involved in circadian rhythms
- Principal Pretectal Nucleus: Pupillary light reflex
- Sublentiform Nucleus: Accomodation reflex
- Superior Colliculus (MM.SC): Direct behavioral responses toward specific points in egocentric space, induce saccadic eye movement
Internal Regions Connections:
External Inbound Center Connections:
External Outbound Center Connections: