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Human Spinal Lumbosacral Nerves - Genital and Gastrointestinal
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This page is intended to list lumbo-sacral spinal cord nerves of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs.
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motor nuclei/ganglia:
- Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG; NERVES={left hypogastric nerve, cervical; left hypogastric nerve, lubricate; left hypogastric nerve, prostatic; left hypogastric nerve, ureteric; left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal; right hypogastric nerve; genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; scrotal nerve, posterior}
- Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF; NERVES={genitofemoral nerve, genital; dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis; perineal nerve, deep branch; inferior rectal nerve; nerve to superficial transverse perineal}
- Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG; NERVES={splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal}
- Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM; NERVES={nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles}
sensory nuclei/ganglia:
- Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG; NERVES={left hypogastric nerve, cervical; left hypogastric nerve, lubricate; left hypogastric nerve, prostatic; left hypogastric nerve, ureteric; left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal; right hypogastric nerve; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal; Genitalia nerves, somatic; Rectum nerves, somatic}
- Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG; NERVES={splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple}
- Autonomic nerves; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- splanchnic nerves; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- splanchnic nerves, lumbar (MA:LUMBAR SPLANCHNIC NERVES); ORIGIN={lumbar sympathetic trunk, L1-L3}; DISTRIBUTION={upper nerves ones go to intermesenteric and adjacent plexuses, and lower ones descend to superior hypogastric plexus; sensory - pregnancy and nociception to IML, adds to pelvic nerve}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- left hypogastric nerve (MA:HYPOGASTRIC NERVE); ORIGIN={Left hypogastric plexus (L1-L5)}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- left hypogastric nerve, cervical; DISTRIBUTION={female: produces cervical mucus that changes in consistency during the menstrual cycle to prevent or promote pregnancy}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - cervix - female - produces cervical mucus that changes in consistency during the menstrual cycle to prevent or promote pregnancy}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve, lubricate; DISTRIBUTION={greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands in females and the bulbourethral (Cowper) glands in males}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - bartholin gland - secretes mucus to lubricate the vagina; Genitalia - cowper gland - produces a clear, salty, viscous secretion known as pre-ejaculate, homologous to Bartholin glands in females; Genitalia - prostate gland - secrete a slightly alkaline fluid, milky or white in appearance, constitutes 50-75 percents of the volume of the semen along with spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid; Genitalia - skenes gland - cause female ejaculation and G-Spot orgasms}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve, prostatic; DISTRIBUTION={male: emission is the result of peristaltic contractions of the ampullary portion of the vas deferens, the seminal vesicles, and the prostatic smooth muscles}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - vas deferens - male - emission (prior to ejaculation), contracts, propelling sperm forward}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve, ureteric (MA:URETERIC PLEXUS; MA:UTERINE NERVES); DISTRIBUTION={ureteric smooth muscles}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Ureter - detrusor urinae muscle, sympathetic - sympathetic relaxes, to store urine; Ureter - internal sphincter muscle of urethra, sympathetic - sympathetic contracts the muscle}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Ureter,TARGET.TEA.URETER}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Ureter,TARGET.TEA.URETER -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal (MA:UTEROVAGINAL PLEXUS; Plexus of Frankenhauser); DISTRIBUTION={walls of the vagina, uterus}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - uterus, sympathetic contractors - female - contraction of smooth muscles of myometrium, decreased blood flow, loss of erection; Genitalia - vagina, sympathetic vasoconstrictors - female - vasoconstriction of fibromuscular tube, loss of erection}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve, cervical; DISTRIBUTION={female: produces cervical mucus that changes in consistency during the menstrual cycle to prevent or promote pregnancy}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - cervix - female - produces cervical mucus that changes in consistency during the menstrual cycle to prevent or promote pregnancy}
- right hypogastric nerve (MA:HYPOGASTRIC NERVE); ORIGIN={Right hypogastric plexus (L1-L5)}; DISTRIBUTION={smooth internal anal sphincter muscle}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Rectum - sphincter ani internus muscle, sympathetic - stimulate and maintain internal anal sphincter contraction}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- left hypogastric nerve (MA:HYPOGASTRIC NERVE); ORIGIN={Left hypogastric plexus (L1-L5)}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic (MA:PELVIC SPLANCHNIC NERVES); ORIGIN={sacral PLEXUS S2-S4}; BRANCHES={to penis/clitoris/vagina, to other pelvic structures (urinary bladder, rectum, anus, sigmoid and descending colon, terminal transverse colon, uterus and uterine tubes)}; DISTRIBUTION={leaving sacral plexus, they enter inferior hypogastric plexus and supply pelvic organs; mating and conception}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple; DISTRIBUTION={breast, smooth muscles of the nipple}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Breast - nipple smooth muscles - female - erection of nipples due to contraction of smooth muscle}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Breast,TARGET.TEA.BREAST}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Breast,TARGET.TEA.BREAST -> Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- cavernous nerves of clitoris; ORIGIN={uterovaginal PLEXUS, pelvic splanchnic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={erectile tissue of clitoris}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - corpus cavernosum clitoridis - clitoral erection; simultaneously the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles compress the veins of the corpora cavernosa restricting the egress and circulation of this blood}
- cavernous nerves of penis; ORIGIN={prostatic PLEXUS, pelvic splanchnic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={erectile tissue of penis}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - corpus cavernosum penis - penile erection; simultaneously the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles compress the veins of the corpora cavernosa restricting the egress and circulation of this blood}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum; ORIGIN={mesenteric plexus, inferior}; DISTRIBUTION={rectum, anus}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Rectum - sphincter ani internus muscle, parasympathetic - keep the anal canal and anus closed, aids in the expulsion of the feces, inhibit contraction}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach; ORIGIN={Auerbach's plexus, Meissner's plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={terminal transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Stomach - mucosal gastric glands - acetylcholine activates muscarinic receptors cause an increase in gastric juice secretion; Stomach - outer longitudinal and inner circular smooth muscles - keep the mucosal surface and underlying glands in a constant state of gentle agitation to expel contents of glandular crypts and enhance contact between epithelium and the contents of the lumen}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Stomach,TARGET.TEA.STOMACH}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Stomach,TARGET.TEA.STOMACH -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder; ORIGIN={hypogastric plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={urinary bladder, uterus and uterine tubes; preganglionic axons exit from the ventral roots, travel in the pelvic nerves, pass through the hypogastric plexus, and synapse on postganglionic neurons located in the wall of the urinary bladder}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Ureter - detrusor urinae muscle, parasympathetic - parasympathetic contracts, to urinate; Ureter - internal sphincter muscle of urethra, parasympathetic - parasympathetic relaxes the muscle}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Ureter,TARGET.TEA.URETER}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Ureter,TARGET.TEA.URETER -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal; ORIGIN={uterovaginal plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={uterus, vagina}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - parasympathetic uterus vasodilators - female - contraction of smooth muscles of myometrium, increased blood flow; Genitalia - parasympathetic vaginal vasodilators - female - contraction of smooth muscles of myometrium, increased blood flow}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-PC}, chain={Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS -> Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- fiber: GVA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM}
- splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple; DISTRIBUTION={breast, smooth muscles of the nipple}; MODALITY={parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}; MUSCLES={Breast - nipple smooth muscles - female - erection of nipples due to contraction of smooth muscle}
- splanchnic nerves, lumbar (MA:LUMBAR SPLANCHNIC NERVES); ORIGIN={lumbar sympathetic trunk, L1-L3}; DISTRIBUTION={upper nerves ones go to intermesenteric and adjacent plexuses, and lower ones descend to superior hypogastric plexus; sensory - pregnancy and nociception to IML, adds to pelvic nerve}; MODALITY={sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory}
- Genitalia nerves, somatic; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG}
- fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Gracile Nucleus,LPC.HL.GR -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL}
- genitofemoral nerve, genital (MA:GENITOFEMORAL NERVE); ORIGIN={lumbar PLEXUS (L1-L2)}; BRANCHES={genital}; DISTRIBUTION={cremaster muscle, skin of scrotum or labium majus}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- genitofemoral nerve, genital branch (MA:GENITAL BRANCH OF GENITOFEMORAL NERVE); ORIGIN={genitofemoral nerve (L1-L2)}; DISTRIBUTION={muscular branches to cremaster muscle (male only, raise and lower testes in order to regulate temperature of testes and promote spermatogenesis); cutaneous branches to skin of scrotum/male and labium majus/female, mons pubis/female}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - cremaster muscle - raise and lower the scrotum, acts quickly, it is a reflex}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- iliohypogastric nerve (MA:ILIOHYPOGASTRIC NERVE); ORIGIN={lumbar PLEXUS L1 (sometimes T12)}; BRANCHES={lateral and anterior cutaneous branches}; DISTRIBUTION={skin above the pubis and over the lateral side of the buttock, and occasionally the pyramidal muscle}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- ilioinguinal nerve (MA:ILIOINGUINAL NERVE); ORIGIN={lumbar PLEXUS L1 (sometimes T12); accompanies the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal}; BRANCHES={anterior scrotal or labial branches}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of scrotum or labia majora, and adjacent part of thigh}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- labial nerves, anterior; ORIGIN={female, ilioinguinal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of anterior labial region of labia majora, and adjacent part of thigh}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- scrotal nerves, anterior; ORIGIN={male, ilioinguinal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of anterior scrotal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- labial nerves, anterior; ORIGIN={female, ilioinguinal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of anterior labial region of labia majora, and adjacent part of thigh}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- pudendal nerve, genitalia (MA:PUDENDAL NERVE); ORIGIN={sacral PLEXUS (S2-S4)}; BRANCHES={enters pudendal canal, gives off inferior anal nerve, and then divides into perineal nerve and dorsal nerve of penis (clitoris)}; DISTRIBUTION={muscles, skin, and erectile tissue of perineum}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor}
- dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis; DISTRIBUTION={deep transverse muscle of perineum, sphincter muscle of urethra, corpus cavernosum of clitoris, and skin, prepuce, and glans of clitoris}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- dorsal nerve of clitoris (MA:DORSAL NERVE OF PENIS OR CLITORIS); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - deep transverse perineal muscle, clitoris - fixation of central tendon of perineum, support of pelvic floor, expulsion of semen in males and last drops of urine in both sexes}
- dorsal nerve of penis (MA:DORSAL NERVE OF PENIS OR CLITORIS); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - deep transverse perineal muscle, penis - fixation of central tendon of perineum, support of pelvic floor, expulsion of semen in males and last drops of urine in both sexes}
- nerve to urethral bulb (MA:NERVE TO URETHRAL BULB); ORIGIN={Pudendal nerve/nerve to bulbospongiosus}; BRANCHES={mucosal and cutaneous/visceral}; DISTRIBUTION={male/bulb of penis, female/clitoral bulbs - erectile tissue}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- perineal nerve, genitalia (MA:PERINEAL BRANCH OF S4; MA:PERINEAL NERVE); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; BRANCHES={muscular branches and posterior scrotal or labial nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={muscular branches supply bulbocavernous, ischiocavernous, bulb of the penis; scrotal (labial) nerves supply scrotum or labium majus}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor}
- perineal nerve, deep branch (MA:POSTERIOR LABIAL NERVES); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={muscles of the perineum - bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, sphincter urethrae}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - bulbospongiosus muscle - in males, empties the urethra; in females, clenches the vagina; Genitalia - ischiocavernosus muscle - stabilize the erect penis or (in females) tense the vagina during orgasm; Ureter - external sphincter muscle of female urethra - control urination, constricts urethra, maintain urinary continence; Ureter - external sphincter muscle of male urethra - control urination, constricts urethra, maintain urinary continence}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- perineal nerve, superficial branch; MODALITY={general sensory, sympathetic motor}
- labial nerve, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR LABIAL NERVES); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={labium majus}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- scrotal nerve, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR SCROTAL NERVES); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of scrotum}; MODALITY={general sensory, sympathetic motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - dartos muscle - corrugates the scrotum; contraction reduces the surface area available for heat loss, thus reducing heat loss and warming the testicles; expansion increases the surface area, promoting heat loss and thus cooling the testicles.}
- fiber: GVE, types={B-motor}, endings={MPA-SPAV}, chain={Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML -> Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG -> Genitalia,TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA}
- labial nerve, posterior (MA:POSTERIOR LABIAL NERVES); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={labium majus}; MODALITY={general sensory}
- perineal nerve, deep branch (MA:POSTERIOR LABIAL NERVES); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={muscles of the perineum - bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, sphincter urethrae}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - bulbospongiosus muscle - in males, empties the urethra; in females, clenches the vagina; Genitalia - ischiocavernosus muscle - stabilize the erect penis or (in females) tense the vagina during orgasm; Ureter - external sphincter muscle of female urethra - control urination, constricts urethra, maintain urinary continence; Ureter - external sphincter muscle of male urethra - control urination, constricts urethra, maintain urinary continence}
- dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis; DISTRIBUTION={deep transverse muscle of perineum, sphincter muscle of urethra, corpus cavernosum of clitoris, and skin, prepuce, and glans of clitoris}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
- Rectum nerves, somatic; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG}
- fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG}
- fiber: GSA, types={A-beta-sensory}, endings={SMECH}, chain={Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM -> Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Gracile Nucleus,LPC.HL.GR -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL}
- pudendal nerve, rectum (MA:PUDENDAL NERVE); ORIGIN={sacral PLEXUS (S2-S4)}; BRANCHES={enters pudendal canal, gives off inferior anal nerve, and then divides into perineal nerve and dorsal nerve of penis (clitoris)}; DISTRIBUTION={muscles, skin, and erectile tissue of perineum}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
- inferior rectal nerve (MA:INFERIOR RECTAL NERVE; anal nerves, inferior; rectal nerves, inferior hemorrhoidal nerves); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve, or independently from sacral PLEXUS, S5}; BRANCHES={cutaneous branches mainly, but muscular branches to external anal sphincter}; DISTRIBUTION={supplying perianal skin and lower part of anal canal; external anal sphincter muscle, skin around anus, and lining of anal canal up to pectinate line}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Rectum - corrugator cutis ani muscle - raises the skin into ridges around the margin of the anus; Rectum - sphincter ani externus muscle - keep the anal canal and anus closed, aids in the expulsion of the feces}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF -> Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM}
- perineal nerve, rectum (MA:PERINEAL BRANCH OF S4; MA:PERINEAL NERVE); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve, S4}; BRANCHES={muscular branches and posterior scrotal or labial nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={muscular branches supply superficial transverse perineal muscles and levator ani muscles}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
- nerve to superficial transverse perineal; DISTRIBUTION={pelvic surface of levator ani}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Rectum - superficial transverse perineal muscle - Fixation of central tendon of perineum, support of pelvic floor}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF -> Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM}
- nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles (MA:NERVE TO LEVATOR ANI); DISTRIBUTION={motor innervation to coccygeus and levator ani muscles}; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={Genitalia - pubococcygeus muscle - controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm; Rectum - coccygeus muscle - pulls coccyx forward after defecation, closing in the back part of the outlet of the pelvis; Rectum - iliococcygeus muscle - supports the viscera in pelvic cavity; Rectum - puborectalis muscle - inhibit defecation}
- fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={Ventromedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VM -> Rectum,TARGET.TEA.RECTUM}
- nerve to superficial transverse perineal; DISTRIBUTION={pelvic surface of levator ani}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Rectum - superficial transverse perineal muscle - Fixation of central tendon of perineum, support of pelvic floor}
- inferior rectal nerve (MA:INFERIOR RECTAL NERVE; anal nerves, inferior; rectal nerves, inferior hemorrhoidal nerves); ORIGIN={pudendal nerve, or independently from sacral PLEXUS, S5}; BRANCHES={cutaneous branches mainly, but muscular branches to external anal sphincter}; DISTRIBUTION={supplying perianal skin and lower part of anal canal; external anal sphincter muscle, skin around anus, and lining of anal canal up to pectinate line}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={Rectum - corrugator cutis ani muscle - raises the skin into ridges around the margin of the anus; Rectum - sphincter ani externus muscle - keep the anal canal and anus closed, aids in the expulsion of the feces}