Feelings Research
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This page will gather all the external stimulus that should be fed to aHuman to correctly perceive the feelings of another person.
This page outlines various factors that effects the emotions and feelings of the person.
- Some examples of feelings that can be expressed by face of another person are: Anger, Concentration, Confusion, Contempt, Desire, Disgust, Excitement, Fear, Frustration, Glare, Happiness, Sadness, Snarl, Surprise
- Feelings can also be expressed using the language of other person. Some online resources that can help to analyze the chat or speech of other person are.
See also:
Interesting pictures
Amygdala contributes to feelings in many ways.
- see Current Biology
Abbreviations of amygdala areas: B, basal nucleus; Ce, central nucleus; itc, intercalated cells; La, lateral nucleus; M, medial nucleus. Sensory abbreviations: aud, auditory; vis, visual; somato, somatosensory; gust, gustatory (taste).
Abbreviations of amygdala areas: B, basal nucleus; Ce, central nucleus; itc, intercalated cells; La, lateral nucleus. Modulatory arousal system abbreviations: NE, norepinephrine; DA, dopamine; ACh, acetylcholine; 5HT, serotonin). Other abbreviations: parasym ns, parasympathetic nervous system; symp ns, sympathetic nervous system.