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Glias Cells
@@Home -> NeuralNetworksResearch -> GlialCellsResearch
Meaning of Glial Cell
- glial cells spare 65% of mind volume
- the same count as neurons (but keep in mind Albert Einstein who had enormous number of glial cells, that maybe affected his mental metabolism)
- glial cells don't have synapses and electrical signals
- glial cells absorb extra GLU neurotransmitter with autoreceptors when GLU is flowed into intracell space, and convert it to GABA, regulating optimal excitatory/inhibitory ratio
- surround and physically support neurons
- direct neurons to final location in initial brain development
- feed neurons
- extract neurotransmitters from synaptic cleft of neurons
- release modulatory neurotransmitters
- remove dead neurons
- able to regenerate broken link after critical period