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Muscle Control
@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> CircuitMuscleControl
This page covers components and connections of circuit Muscle Control. Circuit is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.
Mind Area | Component ID | Component Name | Type | Function |
ACA | AVA.HM.VG | Vagus Nucleus | nucleus | Parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs |
AVA.PN.PSYM.ILG | Intralaryngeal Peripheral Ganglion | parasympathetic ganglion | parasympathetic motor of larynx, c.n. X | |
AVA.PN.PSYM.PPG | Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion | parasympathetic ganglion | Sigmoid, rectum, bladder, and external genitalia | |
AVA.PN.SYM.ARG | Aorticorenal Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Kidney, Ureter | |
AVA.PN.SYM.CEG | Coelic Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Liver, stomach, pancreas, small intestine | |
AVA.PN.SYM.IMG | Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Bladder, rectum, reproductive organs | |
AVA.PN.SYM.MCG | Middle Cervical Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Eye, tear and salivatory glands | |
AVA.PN.SYM.SCG | Superior Cervical Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Eye, tear and salivatory glands | |
AVA.PN.SYM.SMG | Superior Mesenteric Ganglion | sympathetic ganglion | Large intestine, rectum | |
AVA.SC.IZ.IML | Intermediolateral Nucleus | nucleus | Mediate entire sympathetic innervation of body | |
AVA.SC.VH.ONF | Onuf's Nucleus | nucleus | Maintenance of urination and defecation, muscular contraction during orgasm | |
AMA | BFA.FT.NBM | Basal Nucleus of Meynert | nucleus | Control imagination vs perception |
ECA | BGA.FT.GPI | Globus Pallidus Internal | nucleus | Output nuclei of basal ganglia to neocortex |
BGA.FT.PU | Putamen | nucleus | Stimulus-response, or habit, learning | |
BGA.FT.SN.PC | Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta | nucleus | Fine motor control, temporal processing | |
MCA | BMA.HP.PB | Parabrachial Nucleus | nucleus | Source of short-latency nociceptive input |
FBA.HP.LC | Locus Coeruleus | nucleus | Regulate the intensity of responses to salient stimuli | |
FBA.MM.PAG | Periaqueductal Gray Matter | nucleus | Descending modulation of pain and in defensive behaviour | |
FBA.MM.VTA | Ventral Tegmental Area | nucleus | Respond to novel stimuli, unexpected rewards, and reward predictive sensory cues | |
EPA | FCA.NC.LPFC | Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex | cortex, BA 09,46 | Temporal Integration |
FCA.NC.OMPFC | Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex | cortex, BA 10,11,12 | Personality | |
PCA | HMA.HP.PTP.PTR | Principal Trigeminal Nucleus | nucleus | Facial Somatic Sensations |
HMA.MM.MSTR | Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus | sensory ganglion | unconscious proprioception from muscle spindles; facial somatic sensations from muscles of mastication, monosynaptic masticatory reflex | |
ACA | HTA.FD.HT.PO | Preoptic Area | nucleus | Thermoregulation |
HTA.FD.HT.PV | Paraventricular Nucleus | nucleus | Regulate appetite and autonomic functions | |
MBA.HP.BR | Barrington's Nucleus | nucleus | Supraspinal regulation of urination | |
LCA | MBA.HP.CR | Cerebellum | nucleus | Motor coordination |
MBA.HP.PN.PBB | Pontobulbar Body | nucleus | Control voluntary muscle activities | |
MAA | MCA.FD.TH.VA | Ventral Anterior Nucleus | nucleus | Relay BGA.SN, BGA.GPI, FCA.OMPFC, FCA.CG to MCA.PMC, MCA.SMC |
MCA.FD.TH.VL | Ventral Lateral Nucleus | nucleus | Relay BSA.CR to MCA.MC | |
MCA.NC.MC | Motor Cortex | cortex, BA 04 | Execution of required voluntary movements | |
MCA.NC.PMC.F4 | Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex | cortex, BA 06 | Sensory guidance of movement | |
MCA.NC.PMC.F5 | Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex | cortex, BA 06 | Shaping hand during grasping | |
MCA.NC.SMC | Supplementary Motor Cortex | cortex, BA 06 | Process sequences of movements and coordinate bilateral movements | |
MMA | PHA.NC.PH.PRR | Perirhinal Cortex | cortex, BA 35 | Associate different visual views of objects and their various nonvisual attributes |
BAA | SMA.FD.TH.VPL | Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus | nucleus | Relays somatic information from body to S1 |
SMA.NC.PG.S1 | Somatosensory Cortex | cortex, BA 01,02,03 | Muscle and skin receptors | |
SAA | VCA.NC.IPS.AIP | Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus | cortex, BA 39 | Represent shape, size, and orientation of objects to be grasped |
VCA.NC.IPS.VIP | Ventral Intraparietal Sulcus | cortex, BA 39 | Merge visual, somatosensory, auditory, and vestibular senses | |
VCA.NC.IT.TE | Inferotemporal Cortex | cortex, BA 20 | Represent different views of objects |