#summary aHuman Project Site Map [Home] -> [SiteMap] http://usvn.ahuman.org/svn/ahwiki/images/wiki/sitemap.jpg ---- This page is intended to explain aHuman project page set to let you known where what can be found. Also it is a tool to ensure that pages are not trying to duplicate each other and cover project area in a reasonable way. = Home Page = * Google Project Home is [http://code.google.com/p/ahuman/] leading to site home page [Home] * goals and generic approach for the project are explained on [ProjectVision] * approaches to allow many people to research and create aHuman program across internet are listed by topic in Tools and Procedures section * high-level division of aHuman research area into sub-areas can be found in the middle column named Research * finally, Development column describes important activities regarding creation of the program - technical design, coding and testing = Tools and Procedures = * [JoinProject] explains how to become a project member * [ProjectCommunications] lists used techniques to communicate across team * [DevelopmentEnvironment] helps to establish development environment and do the coding * [CodeStyleGuide] and [DesignStyleGuide] establish some limitations on coding and design * [ResearchCycle] and [DevelopmentCycle] present procedules to participate in specific research and development respectively * [ProjectTeam] - is a page where each project member can present himself = Research = * [BiologicalLifeResearch] - high-level components and curcuits of human biology. One of severe aHuman project principles is to make use of biological architecture where possible * [ArtificialLifeResearch] - concepts of creating personality and feeling by means of software program * [ArtificialIntelligenceResearch] - approaches of creating intelligent behaviour * [NeuralNetworksResearch] - creating Neural Networks engine, which will be able to represent any required neural network with appropriate structure and characteristics * [NeoCortexResearch] - create model of neocortex, which is the foundation of intelligence as per current neurobiogy data * [SensorsResearch] - modeling generalised sensors as foundation for any specific target sensor element * [MotorResearch] - modeling generalised effectors and related proprioceptors as foundation for any specific target motor element * [ArtificialIntelligenceDictionary] - attempt to collect various terms to point to areas of further understanding and possible use * [Library] - list of printed books, which can play significant role on understanding the project. It does not mention numerous articles, which are stored in [http://code.google.com/p/ahuman/source/browse/#svn%2Fresearch%2Farticles svn subtree] = Development = * [ProjectPlanning] - project implementation plan * [Architecture] - components and curcuits of aHuman * [Specs] - component-level design information * [TestFramework] - test and debugging techiniques and tools * [Creatures] - considered aHuman targets * [Features] - valued features implemented by aHuman components * [ExternalKnowledgeBase] - third-party code used * [RelatedResearchProjects] - collection of external projects in aHuman project area = Obsolete Pages = * [BrainPictures brain pictures and initial structuring]