@@[Home] -> [Specs] -> [ImageSearchKB] = Introduction = Here is the current development status and the way to test the Image knowledge base module. = Development Strategy = * The Image search server is implemented using JAVA and the search API from bing are used to search for a particular image * Two channels are used by module for communication with other modules, one for taking the query command which uses the format "query;width;height;no_samples\n" and the other one to post the results to. = Testing = * Run the image knowledge base server from path 'deploy\Image Knowledge Base\StartServer.bat' * Start aHuman engine. * Run test case using 'deploy\run-test-image-kb.bat' file. * Test case will post query to command channel and the results can be obtained by subscribing to the response channel. = Pending Items = * Interface this module with the sensor 'eye' * Make this interfacing a dynamic operation so that when aHuman wants any visual information about anything it can switch to knowledge base and can present on results.