#summary Human Spinal Lumbosacral Nerves - Foot and lower leg
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This page is intended to list lumbo-sacral spinal cord nerves of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs.
Coverage verified by:
* http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/nerve (name base)
* http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves (MA reference)
*motor nuclei/ganglia*:
* [BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_PL Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL]; NERVES={common peroneal nerve, articular branches; cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal; tibial nerve, muscular branches}
* [BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_RPL Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL]; NERVES={plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch; plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch; plantar nerve, medial}
* [BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_VL Ventrolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VL]; NERVES={fibular nerve, deep}
*sensory nuclei/ganglia*:
* [BrainRegionLPC_PN_SG_LDRG Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG]; NERVES={femoral nerve, leg; sciatic nerve}
* *femoral nerve, leg* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne75.htm FEMORAL NERVE]); ORIGIN={lumbar PLEXUS (L2-L4); descending behind the inguinal ligament to the femoral triangle}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of thigh and leg, muscles of front of thigh, and hip and knee joints}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={[BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_PN_SG_LDRG Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_SC_PH_LMG Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG]}
* fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={[BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_PN_SG_LDRG Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_SC_PH_LSG Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG]}
* *saphenous nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne78.htm SAPHENOUS NERVE]); ORIGIN={termination of femoral nerve, descending first with femoral vessels and then on medial side of leg and foot, L3/L4}; BRANCHES={infrapatellar and medial crural cutaneous branches}; DISTRIBUTION={knee joint, subsartorial and patellar plexuses, skin on medial side of leg and foot}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *saphenous nerve, infrapatellar and sartorial branches*; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *saphenous nerve, medial crural cutaneous branches*; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *sciatic nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/ne85.htm SCIATIC NERVE]; ischiadic nerve (largest nerve of body)); ORIGIN={lumbosacral plexus L4/L5, S1-S3; it leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen}; BRANCHES={divides into the tibial and common fibular nerves, usually in lower third of thigh}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
* fiber: GSA, types={A-delta-sensory}, endings={SAD}, chain={[BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_PN_SG_LDRG Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_SC_PH_LMG Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG]}
* fiber: GSA, types={C-sensory}, endings={SFN}, chain={[BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_PN_SG_LDRG Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG] -> [BrainRegionLPC_SC_PH_LSG Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG]}
* *common peroneal nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne54.htm COMMON PERONEAL NERVE]; popliteal nerve; common fibular nerve); ORIGIN={L4/L5, S1/S2, sciatic nerve in lower part of thigh}; DISTRIBUTION={supplies short head of biceps femoris muscle (while still incorporated in sciatic nerve), gives off lateral sural cutaneous nerve and fibular communicating branch as it descends in popliteal fossa, supplies knee and superior tibiofibular joints and tibialis anterior muscle, and divides into superficial and deep fibular nerves}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor}
* *common peroneal nerve, articular branches*; ORIGIN={common peroneal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={articular branches to the knee joint}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biceps_femoris_muscle Leg - biceps femoris muscle, peroneal] - flexes knee joint, laterally rotates knee joint (when knee is flexed)}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_PL Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *cutaneous nerve of calf, lateral* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/latcutofcalf.htm LATERAL CUTANEOUS NERVE OF CALF]); ORIGIN={common peroneal nerve, L4/L5, S1}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of lateral side of back of leg, rarely may continue as the sural nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *fibular nerve, deep* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/deepperoneal.htm DEEP PERONEAL NERVE]); ORIGIN={terminal branch of common fibular nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={winds around the neck of the fibula and descends on the interosseous membrane to the front of the ankle; gives off muscular branches to anterior tibial, extensor of great toe, long extensor of toes, and third fibular muscles, and a twig to ankle joint; a lateral terminal division supplies the short extensor muscle of toes and tarsal joints; medial terminal division, or digital branch, divides into dorsal digital nerves for skin and joints of adjacent sides of first and second toes; Peroneous tertius, Extensor digitorum longus, Tibialis anterior, Extensor hallucis longus, Extensor digitorum brevis, Extensor hallucis brevis}; MODALITY={general sensory, extensor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensor_digitorum_brevis_muscle Leg - extensor digitorum brevis muscle] - extends digits 2, 3, and 4; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensor_digitorum_longus_muscle Leg - extensor digitorum longus muscle] - extension of toes and ankle; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensor_hallucis_brevis_muscle Leg - extensor hallucis brevis muscle] - extension of hallux; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensor_hallucis_longus_muscle Leg - extensor hallucis longus muscle] - Extends the big toe and assists in dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle. Also is a weak invertor; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peroneus_tertius Leg - fibularis tertius muscle] - dorsi flexes and everts foot; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibialis_anterior_muscle Leg - tibialis anterior muscle] - dorsiflex and invert the foot}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_VL Ventrolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.VL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *fibular nerve, superficial* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne94.htm SUPERFICIAL FIBULAR NERVE], superficial peroneal nerve, musculocutaneous nerve of foot); ORIGIN={terminal branch of common fibular nerve}; BRANCHES={medial - medial dorsal cutaneous nerve, lasteral - intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={descends in front of the fibula, supplies long and short fibular muscles and, in the lower part of the leg, divides into the muscular branches, medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves; peroneous brevis, peroneous longus}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibularis_brevis Leg - fibularis brevis muscle] - plantarflexion, eversion; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibularis_longus Leg - fibularis longus muscle] - plantarflexion, eversion}
* *cutaneous nerve of foot, intermediate dorsal*; ORIGIN={superficial fibular nerve}; BRANCHES={dorsal digital nerves of foot}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of front of lower third of leg and dorsum of foot, and skin and joints of adjacent sides of 3/4 toes, and of 4/5 toes}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *digital nerves of foot, dorsal* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne210.htm DORSAL DIGITAL NERVES OF FOOT]); ORIGIN={superficial peroneal (medial and lateral) and deep peroneal nerve; intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin and joints of adjacent sides of 3/4 toes, and of 4/5 toes}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal*; ORIGIN={superficial fibular nerve}; BRANCHES={dorsal digital nerves of foot}; DISTRIBUTION={nerves supplying 3-5 toes, skin and joints of medial side of foot and 1 toe, and adjacent sides of 2/3 toes; nerves supplying 1/2 toes, skin and joints of adjacent sides of 1/2 toes}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_PL Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *sural communicating nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/peronealcommunicating.htm FIBULAR COMMUNICATING NERVE]); ORIGIN={common peroneal nerve, L4/L5, S1}; DISTRIBUTION={cutaneous branches, sural nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *sural nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne87.htm SURAL NERVE]); ORIGIN={tibial nerve, L5, S1/S2; union of 3 nerves: medial and lateral sural cutaneus nerves, peroneal communicating branch}; BRANCHES={cutaneous branches, vascular branches, medial calcaneal branches}; DISTRIBUTION={cutaneous branch, back of leg, supplies skin of lateral 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of leg, skin on lateral aspect of foot up to little toe}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
* *cutaneous nerve of foot, lateral dorsal*; ORIGIN={continuation of sural nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin and joints of lateral side of foot and 5 toe}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *plantar nerves*; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
* *plantar nerve, lateral* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne91.htm LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE]); ORIGIN={smaller of terminal branches of tibial nerve}; BRANCHES={muscular, superficial, and deep branches}; DISTRIBUTION={lying between first and second layers of muscles of sole, it supplies the quadratus of sole, abductor of little toe, short flexor of little toe, adductor of great toe, interosseous, and second, third, and fourth lumbrical muscles, and gives off cutaneous and articular twigs to lateral side of sole and fourth and fifth toes}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abductor_digiti_minimi_muscle_(foot) Leg - abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot] - flex and abduct the fifth toe; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adductor_hallucis_muscle Leg - adductor hallucis muscle] - adducts hallux; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsal_interossei_of_the_foot Leg - dorsal interossei muscles of the foot] - abduct toes; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbrical_muscle_(foot) Leg - lumbrical muscle of foot, lateral] - flex proximal phalanges and extend middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits}
* *plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne93.htm DEEP BRANCH OF LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE]); ORIGIN={lateral plantar nerve, like ulnar nerve in palm}; DISTRIBUTION={deep surface of flexor tendons and adductor hallucis, muscular branches to all intrinsic and short muscles of sole excepting LAFF muscle; Quadratus plantae, Abductor hallucis, Adductor hallucis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratus_plantae_muscle Leg - quadratus plantae muscle] - assists Flexor Digitorum Longus in flexion of DIP joints}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_RPL Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne92.htm SUPERFICIAL BRANCH OF LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE]); ORIGIN={lateral plantar nerve}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_RPL Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *plantar nerve, lateral, digital branches branch* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne212.htm DIGITAL BRANCHES OF LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={lateral side of 4th/5th toe, interdigital cleft for 4th and 5th; flexor digiti minimi brevis, Abductor digiti minimi, Dorsal interossei, Plantar interossei}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_digiti_minimi_brevis_muscle_(foot) Leg - flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot] - flex and adduct the fifth toe; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantar_interossei_muscles Leg - plantar interossei muscles] - adduct toes}
* *digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve, common plantar*; ORIGIN={superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve}; BRANCHES={the medial nerve gives rise to two proper plantar digital nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={the lateral one to the short flexor muscle of little toe and to skin and joints of lateral side of sole and little toe; the medial one to adjacent sides of fourth and fifth toes}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
* *digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve, proper plantar*; ORIGIN={common plantar digital nerves}; DISTRIBUTION={short flexor muscle of little toe, skin and joints of lateral side of sole and little toe, and adjacent sides of fourth and fifth toes}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}
* *plantar nerve, medial* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne88.htm MEDIAL PLANTAR NERVE]); ORIGIN={tibial nerve, L4-L5}; BRANCHES={cutaneous, proper digital nerve to 1st toe, common digital nerve to 1st-2nd/2nd-3rd/3rd-4th, muscular branches to first lumbrical/abductor hallucis/flexor hallucis brevis/flexor digitorum}; MODALITY={flexor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abductor_hallucis_muscle Leg - abductor hallucis muscle] - abducts hallux; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_digitorum_brevis_muscle Leg - flexor digitorum brevis muscle] - flexes lateral four toes; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_digitorum_longus_muscle Leg - flexor digitorum longus muscle] - primary action is flex digits}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_RPL Retroposterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.RPL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}
* *plantar nerve, medial, branches to LAFF muscles*; DISTRIBUTION={muscular branches to first lumbrical/abductor hallucis/flexor hallucis brevis/flexor digitorum}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_hallucis_brevis_muscle Leg - flexor hallucis brevis muscle] - flex hallux; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbrical_muscle_(foot) Leg - lumbrical muscle of foot, medial] - flex proximal phalanges and extend middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits}
* *plantar nerve, medial, common digital branches* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne89.htm COMMON DIGITAL BRANCHES OF MEDIAL PLANTAR NERVE]); ORIGIN={medial plantar nerve, L4-L5}; BRANCHES={cutaneous branch to 1 toe, muscular branches to short flexor muscles of toes, flexor digitorum brevis}; DISTRIBUTION={1-4 toes}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
* *plantar nerve, medial, proper digital branches*; ORIGIN={medial plantar nerve, L4-L5}; BRANCHES={common digital nerve to 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 toes}; DISTRIBUTION={1-4 toes}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}
* *sural nerve, calcaneal branches, medial* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne209.htm MEDIAL CALCANEAL BRANCHES OF SURAL NERVE]; medial sural cutaneous nerve); ORIGIN={sural nerve, L5, S1/S2}; DISTRIBUTION={cutaneous branch}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *tibial nerve* (MA:[http://www.oluwoleogunranti.com/course/course1/nerves/Ne86.htm TIBIAL NERVE]); ORIGIN={sciatic nerve in lower part of thigh, L4/L5, S1-S3}; BRANCHES={interosseous nerve of leg, medial cutaneous nerve of calf, sural nerve, and medial and lateral plantar nerves, and muscular and medial calcaneal branches}; DISTRIBUTION={while still incorporated in the sciatic nerve, it supplies the semimembranous and semitendinous muscles, long head of biceps, and great adductor muscle; it supplies the knee joint as it descends in the popliteal fossa and, continuing into the leg, supplies the muscles and skin of the calf and sole of the foot, and the toes}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_soleus_muscle Leg - accessory soleus muscle] - plantar flexion; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adductor_magnus_muscle Leg - adductor magnus muscle, tibial] - adduction of hip; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adductor_minimus_muscle Leg - adductor minimus muscle, tibial] - adduction and lateral rotation of thigh; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biceps_femoris_muscle Leg - biceps femoris muscle, tibial] - extends hip joint (long head only); [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexor_hallucis_longus_muscle Leg - flexor hallucis longus muscle] - flexes all joints of the Hallux, plantar flexion of the ankle joint; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semimembranosus_muscle Leg - semimembranosus muscle] - hip extension, knee flexion; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitendinosus_muscle Leg - semitendinosus muscle] - flex knee, extend hip joint; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soleus_muscle Leg - soleus muscle] - plantar flexion}
* *cutaneous nerve of calf, medial* (medial sural cutaneous nerve); ORIGIN={tibial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={skin on back of leg, and skin and joints on lateral side of heel and foot}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *interosseous nerve of leg*; ORIGIN={tibial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={interosseous membrane and tibiofibular syndesmosis}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *tibial nerve, muscular branches*; ORIGIN={tibial nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={Gastrocnemius}; MODALITY={general sensory, flexor motor}; MUSCLES={[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocnemius_muscle Leg - gastrocnemius muscle] - plantar flexion, flexion of knee (minor); [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantaris_muscle Leg - plantaris muscle] - plantar flexes foot and flexes knee; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popliteus_muscle Leg - popliteus muscle] - medial rotation and flexion of knee; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibialis_posterior_muscle Leg - tibialis posterior muscle] - inversion of the foot, plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle}
* fiber: GSE, types={A-alpha-Ia-motor}, endings={MA}, chain={[BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_PL Posterolateral Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.PL] -> [BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_LEG Leg,TARGET.TEA.LEG]}